Well, this is really sad, but I haven't checked back to this forum for 3 years. I checked back today because I am once again suffereing from ROCD. The first Post i made was when i was 23. I'm now 26 going through the exact same relationships problems, only now with a new person.
I can't stop obsessing that my boyfriend is still in love with his ex. I compile lists in my head of why this is so, like the fact that they were together for 10 years, or something he has said about her ...it goes on an on. I obsess, i try to find old pictures of them together. I feel like i HAVE to do these things because it will somehow stop me from worrying, but it doesn't. I feel so crazy right now...and I feel like I will never have a normal relationship. I have been to a number of therapists, been on several different drugs. I no longer know what to do.