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Have you heard of LICHEN sclerosis?

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My sister was just diagnosed with this. Symptoms are an extremely itchy rectal area. It made me start to think about my child....

Every time I up her magnesium or zinc, she suffers terribly in that same location. I am attributing it to yeast, but now I am wondering about what my sister was diagnoses with???

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I meant to send this as a message but your box is full. Hi Trinity,
As I mentioned in one of my posts, I have a similar problem. I went to see my dermatologist and he suggested that LS is easy to diagnose and that I don't have it. I also have psoriasis but it, too, is not responsible for the itch. Dermatologist said that this is just an itch. For me, it gets worst after I take magnesium and zinc, just like your daughter. Dermatologist gave me cream, hydrocortionse1% and iodoguinol 1%. It seems to help.
I just wanted to let you know in case your daughter cannot see a dermatologist due to her other issues.
best wishes,

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