Your Child Has Changed;
Should you Consider PANDAS? Let's Talk!
Do you see dramatic changes in your child? Perhaps signs of separation anxiety, hyperactivity, OCD, tics or abnormal movements? Do you notice rapid mood swings, more frequent trips to the bathroom, or a sudden onset of anorexia? Any number of these can be symptoms of PANDAS.
- Written especially for parents, this text offers a better understanding of what PANDAS is—and isn’t—and how to recognize it.
- Find out where to turn for a diagnosis and how to get medical help. Having the knowledge of treatments that might be considered for PANDAS will make all the difference.
- It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when symptoms of PANDAS strike. Find where to get the personal support you may need.
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What You Will Gain:
Learn the symptoms of PANDAS and how it is professionally diagnosed. Get answers to why there has been controversy over this condition, and the difference between PANDAS, PITANDS, and PANS.
Important methods to assess PANDAS through laboratory tests are explained, including Moleculera’s Cunningham panel. Tips you can use to help sort out symptoms yourself are given.
A reader-friendly explanation of the key approaches to PANDAS offers helpful clarity for parents. Find practical suggestions to help deal with your child’s symptoms.
Parents often wonder how to explain PANDAS to family and teachers—and to their child. Let this section lead the way. Find resources on PANDAS, and learn where you can get support for yourself as well.

Laura Matheos is a contributing author to
About Author: Laura Matheos
Laura Matheos has been with Mental Health and Addiction Network (MHANe) since 2011. She serves as the Assistant Director and is responsible for grant research, program development and member relations.
Laura has been an active mental health advocate for the past decade, helping others push for improved access to treatment and caregiver support. Ms. Matheos earned a BA from Wake Forest University and an MBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her past experience has been in financial management and operations.

About Author: Sheila Rogers DeMare
Sheila Rogers DeMare is a leader in the field of integrative therapies for neuropsychiatric disorders. She is founder and director of the international nonprofit organization Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy and editor of the website She communicates regularly with physicians, families, and organizations to learn and share new findings on treating neurological conditions with integrative medical methods.
She served on the advisory board for Health Journal Television for several years during its production (hosted by General Alexander Haig) and has been featured in Psychology Today, Science Daily, Mothering Magazine, Sun Sentinel News, Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, The Palm Beach Post, The Environmental Physician, and The Townsend Letter Magazine.
A contributing author to Perspectives on Diseases and Disorders: Tourette Syndrome, she has been featured on television and radio, presented at national conferences, and is a speaker for family support groups.
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Is our PANDAS eBook Right for You?
- Yes, if you want a helpful primer guide in a friendly question & answer format that will teach you how to:
- Better understand what PANDAS is and how to recognize it
- Know where to turn for a diagnosis and medical help
- Have knowledge of different treatments that may be considered
- Find the support you need
What People Are Saying

"I’ve had so many questions about this confusing condition. This book really helped me sort them out. I still have lots to learn, but am feeling much more grounded as I head to the doctor with my daughter."

“When my son started to show symptoms of OCD and tics, and refused to go to school, I got no answers from our pediatrician. I printed out parts of your book to share with a different doctor who says he will work with me until we find answers.”

"I was totally new to PANDAS and felt so alone, but this book made me feel like I had a friend helping me find my way. We seem to be a community of parents searching for help together."

“I can’t tell you what a relief it was to get this book. My husband and I were overwhelmed and had no idea what was happening to our daughter. We are not out of the woods yet, but at least we have a handle on what we should be doing.”
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