Chore Charts Introduction
Everyone likes to know that their cooperation in doing chores is appreciated. Our chore charts for ages 11+ give kids an opportunity to document their efforts on paper. After a discussion with you when developing the chart goals and incentives, they will know exactly what is expected and be able to work toward a goal.
Selecting a Chore Chart for a Child 11 Years or Older
A chore chart at this age greatly simplifies expectations and can hopefully save you from doing a lot of nagging. First select a chart that matches the style of your youngster. When in doubt, go with a simple design rather than one that might seem more appropriate for a younger child.
Using Our Printable Chore Charts
When using chore charts with this age group, make sure the incentives are something the preteen or teen relates positively to, and that the chores are age appropriate. Just because your son or daughter is getting older, you need to balance your expectations with other responsibilities your youngster has. You can adjust them over time. For ideas on using charts, see Behavior Charts to the Rescue.
Keep it Interesting
Parents with premium memberships to can type the chores in to make the chart seem more official to your daughter or son. this saves time in handwriting, plus you can print a few at once. You’ll be able to tell when your preteen or teen is losing interest in the chart or giving it a poor level of attention. When that happens, start over with a fresh new chart and review the expectations and incentives.
Enjoy and Have Fun!
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Be sure to check out all of the other free charts and printables we offer on our site by navigating our menu. We also suggest for you to follow us on Pinterest for more helpful goodies! We regularly post behavior charts and other useful behavioral tools to our followers.
If you have any ideas on new charts that you would like to see us offer, then please send us a note. We would love to hear from you!