Out the Door to School with Less Stress!
Madison Starr
A checklist can be a game-changer for busy evenings and mornings during the school year. Try this to prep for the next day and get out the door with a little more ease.
This checklist can help you: 
- Stay Organized: A checklist helps ensure nothing important gets forgotten, from lunches to homework.
- Reduce Stress: With a clear plan, mornings can be less hectic. Parents can focus on getting everyone ready instead of scrambling to remember what needs to be done.
- Teach Responsibility: Involving kids in the checklist process can teach them accountability and help them develop their own routines.
- Time Management: By estimating how long each task takes, families can better manage their time and avoid last-minute rushes.
- Promote Independence: As kids become familiar with the checklist, they can start taking on more responsibilities, fostering their independence.
- Remember to Smile: Getting used to a new routine or having more responsibilities can be stressful for kids and adults. Remembering to smile after you’ve accomplished something can boost your mood and lower stress levels.
Tips for using the forms
Some typical checklist items have been included in one form, and a customizable blank one has been provided to fill in your own. Creating a checklist together can be a fun bonding activity, and it sets a positive tone for each day.
Here’s how to print and use them
- The pre-filled form: Download and print. Make multiple copies or laminate at your local office store. If laminated, mark the boxes with dry erase markers and wipe clean for the next day.
- The customizable form: Download and print the blank form and handwrite your custom plan. OR: Download the blank file and open it in Adobe Acrobat (the free version works). Type in the light gray fields. Make a name for your file, and be sure to save it as you work. Follow steps in #1.
Happy schooling!
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