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2E Kids

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Someone on another forum I belong to posted this link



It's a site that supports 2E (twice exceptional) kids - kids who are intelligent but have learning disabilities or learning differences that make it hard to shine in a traditional school environment. This is something I struggle with a lot - how can a kid who, at 5, asked if there was an edge to the universe, struggle so much when it comes to showing what he knows in school, especially since he inevitably gets PANDAS just before they do progress testing :angry:


Anyway, in browsing, a few back issues of newsletters had helpful articles, so I pass it along...They won me over with their first quote

"Labels are starting points, not destinations, and certainly not destinies." - Fernette and Brock Eide



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I had recent eval of son done including IQ testing, personality and learning style, academic testing. took 5 separte meeting (3 days of tests from 11/2 - 2 hours each)


short story is he would be considered 2e. Gifted and learnig disabled.


There were two VERY interesting scores. He took the test just before he turned 11, and on most of the tests (there are probably 20 all together) he scored very high. 8th grade and high school levels and one college level, ont he acadmeic portion for example. I think most of stuff was done verbally which I knew would help him - esspecailly in math where he does most of stuff in his head, and he refuses to write stuff down. Those scores weren't that interesting, we know he is smart and I didn't go there to have somone tell me that or give him a label.


OK - the interesting test (he got in the 2% ile) was called "proessing speed". It is a hand/eye test that measures spatial and fine motor skills togther. He was given 10 or so symbols (they all had more than one mark to make up the symbol..for example a triangle with a semi colon next to it and a dash inside, but not a triangle alone) and under each symbol was a corresponding number - from 1 to 10. For the test he had to match up and copy the symbol that corresponded to the number he was given. He had to do as many as possible in 2 minutes.


He went so incredible slow the moderator said it was like time stood still. she could tell he was very anxious. And there was another test where he had to do something else that was spatial and then write something - again, low score (not as low as the other test). On tests where he was told - messiness didn't matter, or the response was verbal, he did fine(better than fine actually).


When I think about our kids handwriting deterioration (and math too - since they have to visualize something and then write down the number) I'm thinking bingo - this is definatly pandas.


They recommended he use an alphasmart (which he won't do - hates to be different) and have support with anything that requires copying from the board, as well as note taking (ie given written assignments, and copies of other students notes). As well as getting into more advaced classes in his area of strenth to keep him challenged and feeling good. He will probably balk at all 3 of those. At least now we know why he refuses to write stuff down and tries to to all his math in his head.


The assesment also suggested mild ADHD, mild executive function problems (borderline for that).

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Check out "Race to Nowhere" if you get a chance - I saw a screening of it at our local high school, will air nationwide in September. It's GREAT. do NOT worry about end of year progess stuff. I wouldn't even have him take the test at all - if he is having pandas exacerbation scores are meaningless and will just stress him and you out. I tried to get my son not to take star testing (did you know star and mac tests are optional?) this based on talking to two teachers whom I greatly respect. He took it anyway - didn't want to be different.



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