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tics awaking my son from sleep

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My son started with the motor and vocal tics 3 weeks ago, everything is new for us, and everything is very frighting.

In the last 2 days my son woke up at the middle of the night because the tics woke him up.

Yesterday the tics were so bad that he couldn't sleep at all.

I don't know how he will able to continue going to school/ me going to work if this pattern continues.

I am very worried.

Edited by deby
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when Anthony is having an increase in tics during the day I do notice he will wake at night when he wakes sounds like he is having a nightmare but never remembers anything in the morning. I don't think its the tics though that are waking him at least in our case.



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do try the epsom salts bath each night to see if that helps him sleep better


2 cups epsom salts(magnesium sulfate) in a tub of warmest water, soak for 15-20 min before bed


you can get epsom salts at the supermarket, Target etc

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Thank you Patty!

I started yesterday with Bonnies supplements, so I hope that together with the Epsom salts will help him.

Last night was a good night, he woke up a couple of times, but continue to sleep.

I'm crossing my fingers!

Thank you all!

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