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OCD in 2 1/2 year old

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Hi, My daughter has sensory integration issues and many food allergies/sensitivities. We are doing some biomedical treatments and considering chelating her for heavy metal toxicity. Right now we are using digestive enzymes, methylcobalamin shots and ionic zinc and magnesium. We are seeing good results. I notice some OCD issues. One is obsessing on the color red--wanting red objects, having a hard time focusing on an activity because she just wants to hold a red object, not wanting other people to have red things. This has minimized since beginning digestive enzymes and methylcobalamin but is still present (sometimes worse then others). Another is if something upsets her she wants us to repeat what happend 2 or 3 times. (She touched a cake and someone gently told her not to. Got very upset and kept saying "What did I do? and "I touched Uncle Matt's cake." Not for a long time but enough that it was odd. She will also ask me to repeat things over and over (tell me again what will happen if I take ---out of the backpack. I stop at 3 repeats and say all done saying it again or you already know so you can tell me.... Obsesses over foods she can't eat (will carry a strawberry around for a half hour even though she can't eat it--doesn't try to put it in mouth. Just wants to hold it). We don't have a diagnosis of OCD but she seems to have definite OCD behaviors. Interested in learning more about OCD and what people do when they see signs of it in their very young child. BTW, I consider her to be on the Autistic Spectrum even though her OT and a psych. eval said no. I think the spectrum is very broad and things show up so differently in different kids (she is very verbal, interactive and social, but has the digestive issues, the sensory issues, and some OCD issues, I think). Welcome input as I try to figure out how to deal with this.


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  • 5 weeks later...

I stumbled on your letter. That does sound a lot like OCD. It must all be linked together with the other issues you are dealing with. It sounds like you are doing a good job of handling it, by not over reacting, and drawing the line after letting her have some leeway. If you start the chelation please let us know. I know she is so young but maybe there are gentle ways they go about it. It sounds like you are doing a lot of the right medical treatments. Anything new this week? Mary

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