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I just received these two supps today from iherb.....both are the NOW brand. Does anyone have any suggestions for HOW to take them? For example, do either of them work better by taking with certain foods, or maybe avoiding certain foods for a couple hours. Can they be taken together?? Should I just take what is recommended on the label for myself and cut the dose in half for my 6yo dd. I do plan on starting the L-Carnitine FIRST for a few days just to see if I notice any difference from the one. I like to go slowly when adding supps.

Thanks for any input.


we have never used NAC and used the L-carnitine not the acetyl form so cant comment on that


however it is a good idea to do one at a time and wait a few days before adding the next so you can more easily identify benefit or adverse effect


re dose...we were always told 12 yo .100 lbs take adult does

6-12 yo 1/2 dose

under 6yo 1/4 dose


as she is 6yo, if it were my child I would personally start with 1/4 dose and then slowly up to 1/2 if needed.

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