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I came across this website that was talking about Drs. Sims and how he has helped kids with tourette's. I went to his website and he has videos of children and adults with TS and has fitted them with mouthpieces that he made. When they would put the mouth piece in thier tics would stop. He has also helped adults with other movement disorders. Was wondering if anybody had heard of this. This doctor is located in Maryland.

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a mouthpiece for all tics??? or is this just for mouth tics?

I have never heard of him


what kind of doctor is he?


sorry to sound skeptical but I guess I am when I think of a mouthpiece having any effect on my son's toe tapping tic :D




this is a dentist


all of the "case histories" click thru to a 404 error page for me


honestly, where I do know that mouthpieces can sometime help re jaw/teeth tics, I really would think it unlikely as a "cure" for ALL TS tics


Here is the correct website. I called the office this morning and they just treated 3 boys last week. They are going to have the parents call me to talk with me. I know it sounds crazy but if you read the pdf file it makes a lot of since. One the the patients he has treated is a 52 year old man from Atlanta GA that was on the Tourette Sydrome Assciation board from 1999-2000.






I did read the pdf file on their research paper


as I mentioned, perhaps this helps some with specific kinds of tics but honestly I just have seen so many of these "scientific" studies claiming to have found "the" cure


if all it took was a mouthpiece...these guys would be zillionaires by now and booked up for the next few years




however, if you decide to use this, it would be interesting to hear your feedback


I am very interested in this. Could you post what the boys parents have to say about it? I read on a different tourettes board that 2 boys were treated with this mouth piece as well. I'm so glad you're looking into this - PLEASE keep me posted!


Here is the correct website. I called the office this morning and they just treated 3 boys last week. They are going to have the parents call me to talk with me. I know it sounds crazy but if you read the pdf file it makes a lot of since. One the the patients he has treated is a 52 year old man from Atlanta GA that was on the Tourette Sydrome Assciation board from 1999-2000.






I fowarded this to my friend hes also a dentist hey Ill try anything



hey Ill try anything


Melanie, my concern is that for some kids, like my son, dental procedures can TRIGGER tics


when he was having severe tooth grinding and jaw snapping tics, we had a specialized mouthpiece made by his pediatric dentist who had much experience working with kids with TS, autism etc


the mouthpiece itself triggered very intense tics for my son and so we immediately stopped using it, and instead found that supplementing vit B5 stopped his teeth/jaw tics


I really hope this dentist is on to something and that it can help people with TS...but I remain skeptical on his claim of "immediate cessation of tics in ALL patients"


also, in that PDF file, some of the background statements made re TS are not very accurate IMHO


I spoke with one of the mom's yesterday and I asked her "Why don't more people knpw about this if it really works?" She said she felt the same way. She was so skeptical when she went that she booked her plane to return the next day. She said after the first visit she new it was going to work. Her son had motor and vocal tics and they all stoped. She tried the natural route for a year with very little success. She has contacted with another mom and they are trying to get the word out to see if this will help other families that are going through this. We are probably going to go in July. We have spent so much money on supplements and test that I feel that it is worth a try. Nothing else has worked so far so why not try and see.


ccc, I hope it works for your child


I cant in good conscience tho bypass the fact that this dentist makes a claim like this

"What has been discovered is that Tourette's syndrome is neither psychological, infectious, genetic or environmental in origin, but is what we have termed a structural-reflex disorder, and have shown through this pilot study of multiple cases how and why Tourette's and its multiple co-morbid disorders can be discontinued with a device that requires no medicines or surgery called the Neurocranio Vertical Distractor (NCVD)"



Is he claiming to stop even OCD and ADD and the "multiple comorbid disorders" of TS with a mouthpiece??? He is denying infectious agents in strep induced TS tics???? what of allergies and food intolerances which are common tic triggers for many with TS. He is saying mouthpiece is going to stop their gluten or dairy intolerance tics????? etc etc etc etc nevermind the dismissing of the genetic factors that have already been shown from research mapping the genome is people with inherited TS!


again, perhaps his device is able to help some, and if so, that is good news! But I would feel a lot more comfortable if he said "some" rather than this "eureka! we cure ALL TS tics and comorbid disorders with our mouthpiece"


to make a claim like I quoted above is irresponsible IMHO as it puts all cases in one basket which we know just from the case histories on this forum and the PANDAS one is simply not possible!


I tend to be very wary of those who make such big claims of "cure" on a complex set of variables


having said all that

I do hope for the best possible outcome for your child!


I'm sorry I don't mean to sound like a dummy, but I can't pull up any info from this web page. I have watched some of the case videos, but where it the written info on TS from this Dr.?


Can someone help.





Hi, this sounds interesting. I have a few questions. The mother you talked to who had her son treated with the device, does her son still have tics? What I mean is if her son takes the device out of his mouth, the tics come back and if it stays in his mouth the tics stay gone??? If this actually works, it would be so great. I hope this helps your child and please keep us updated!! Thanks Char...

I'm sorry I don't mean to sound like a dummy, but I can't pull up any info from this web page. I have watched some of the case videos, but where it the written info on TS from this Dr.?


Can someone help.





the published paper is in the PDF file that CCC linked




here also is the abstract on PubMed



I have been talking with others about this and where we can agree that cranial nerves dohave a role in TS, yet all feel very cautious about the broad claims being made, as summarized in the PubMed abstract


"What has been discovered is that Tourette's syndrome is neither psychological, infectious, genetic or environmental in origin, but is what we have termed a structural-reflex disorder, and have shown through this pilot study of multiple cases how and why Tourette's and its multiple co-morbid disorders can be discontinued with a device that requires no medicines or surgery called the Neurocranio Vertical Distractor (NCVD)"


The absolute negation there troubles me......some,yes....but all, including *all* the co-morbid disorders????? :wub:


The doctor called me today and talked with me for about and hour. He has gone to the TSA and talked with them. He also just got back from London speaking. He spent a year and half doning research. He takes the time to explain to you how it works. As for as how long you have to wear the device it depends on the person. Once the jaw is reset you can have orthodontic surgury to make it permanent. We have an appointment on July 13 so I will let you know. To me it makes so much since if you are willing to look outside the box of what traditional medecinie tells you. So many doctors would be proven wrong and nobody ever wants to admitt they were wrong. For me and my family it is worth trying. It is not painfully and if it keep him from taking 30 pills a day I am all for it.

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