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On Friday, I received my sons Organic test results. The supplements that they say he is Deficient in is Pantothenic acid, Thiamine, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B 12, Lipoic Acid, 5HTP. They said to give him Thiamine 25mg, B-complex, B-complex+Lipic acid 25mg, 5-HTP, Vitamin B12 1000 mcg, Pantothenic Acid 250 mg. The funny thing is, he is already taking most of these supplements because he takes Bonnie's Ts plus control. I guess he is not absorbing his nutrients properly. I went and bought some vitamin b12 1000 mcg, thay dissolves under his tongue, It said it does not contain artificial flavors or preservatives. However it has a cherry favor to it. Well I gave it to my son and he is jumping off the walls. I don't know if it's the cherry favor or the vitamin b12. Any advice on that? Oh, also my son showed to have high makers for partoaz, clostridal bacterial fungus in his system. So I went to the health food store and bought wild oregano capsules to help with that because the person working there said it helps with bacterial overgrowth in the intestines.So I gave it too my son today, could that possibly make him more hyper, or is it the other vitamin b12 cherry favor? I get so discourage trying new things because I just don't know how my son is going to react. The test also showed that he has a sluggish liver and he is not removing toxin well from his body. It said a possible detoxication would help. It said, also a possible tyrosine deficiency. That confuses me, Does anyone know anything about that? Having said all that, does anyone know of a supplement to help with the bacterial fungus in my son intestines? Has anyone done the Organic acid test before? IF so, did it help with the Tics overall? I really need some advice on what to do? Any thoughts on the supplements I am suppose to give my son and what should I Give him to help his liver detox? I am really stressed about this!! I think maybe these things are really contributing too his tics. Here is a list of supplements he is already taking.

Gaba 100 mg,1 a day at bedtime

TS plus Control 10 capsules a day

KIdzyme +proibtioc 2, three times a day

He has been on Culturelle for three weeks now, 1 a day

Extra zinc 10 mg every other day

Magnesium Taurate 200 mg a day because there is 300 mg already in TS Plus Control so a total of 500 mg a day. Any thoughts, I really need some help. Thanks in advance, Char


Hi Char


depending what they made the cherry "flavor" from, that might be the culprit

I hope you got METHYLcobalamin b12 not cyanocobalamin as the latter is a real waste becasue it is very poorly absorbed


my son takes methylB12 under tongue twice daily


If your child has TS I would stay away from tyrosine as it stimulates dopamine which in turn stimulates tics


oregano is very potent antimicrobial and so your son could be hyper with die off reaction or just reacting to it....it is a good idea to drink a lot of water if taking those capsules.


I have great respect for the anti-microbial effect of MonoLaurin (lauric acid from coconuts) Studies have shown it has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect as well as against protozoan infections


another powerful antimicrobial is olive leaf extract and also garlic


I too am surprised he showed especially the B deficiencies if taking Bontech's TS Plus as that is high in Bs.

You might want to write to Bonnie via email and see what she feels re those results.


be careful of lipoic acid (I assume they want alpha? ALA)) if yoususpect your child has mercury in system as ALA is a potent mercury chelator but it can also carry it into the brain...........it is usually used as the final stage in mercury detox when that in the body has already been mopped up)


Milk Thistle (silymarin) is superb for liver detox and stimulating liver function. Even conventional docs give it for liver patients


as a possible gentle help forthe hyper reaction, do try some camomille tea


just as a tip ....when adding new supps....it is always a good idea to add them one at a time and wait at least 3 days before adding another....that way there is less confusion as to what may cause reactivity and what may help etc


hope things settle quickly for your lil guy



thanks for posting that information. What exactly does OAT test for? And could you tell me how and where you did this testing? Are you going with the aid of a naturo or did this on your own? Could you also refresh me on how your child is doing presently (as well as a month or so ago) even as you were persuing this testing and results? I'd be interested to know all his symptoms, not just about tics, was he ever "bouncing off walls" before as you mentioned? And you say he was already taking Bonnie vits which does contain the B's? Is his doseage there the same as this test suggests he get? Also, if you wouldn't mind, what is the cost of this testing and what does it include?


I do have some of my own intuitions about all this, but bare with me a second, I'd like to know the above before I give my "uneducated guess". :mellow:





Just quickly,

Wanted to note that the Bonnies vits did not give us significant results either when we were on a healthy but not gluten free diet. Eventually we discovered that our son was undiagnosed celiac and we had to change his diet. Gluten intolerance that also causes intestinal damage (thus the possible overgrowth of bacteria in the gut) will cause malabsorption of nutrients. If your child has absorption issues even while on high doses of vits then I would highly suggest a celiac or gluten intolerance test. I am not sure what you are doing at the moment, but gluten healing takes a long time. In our case it was about 9 months until we saw a tremendous effect on our son's digestive issues. He had many but I won't go into all that now. Gluten intolerance can be present without celiac and also without noticeable digestive issues. Definitely investigate that.

Anemia, or low iron in the blood despite iron supps is one major red flag. I am not sure if your testing revealed poor iron absorption or not.

Once we got the tissues saturated with the vits we saw a great reduction in symptoms. He is not symptom free but tics are not daily and go under the radar now-- no one but hubby and myself ever notice unless he gets exposed to a food allergen. Then the symptoms flair and reside within a few days.


If you want more info or have more questions you can email me off list for info on tests, etc....


I am just responding now finally because one of my daughters has had the stomach flu. She does not have tics but she has been very sick. I really hope my son does not get it because whenever he gets sick his tics increase.


Faith, An OAt Test is the Organic Acid Test. It is a Metabolic Organic Acid Testing. It gives guidance to specific Vitamin, mineral and amino Acid needs. Relative to health status, genetic tendencies,aging and oxidative Status. It gives metabolic markers of cellular functioning, energy production, neurotransmitter metabolism, nutrient deficiencies,and intestinal dysbiosis. I got it done because my son was found to have an Egg intolerance. So, I wanted to know if he was deficient in any vitamins. The test costs $269.00. I am glad I got it, however it still is a little confusing on the B vitamins. My son takes TS-Plus control and it has B vitamins in it. From the suggestions of the OAT test, I guess he needs some more B vitamins and I guess he's not Absorbing them properly. I think maybe because it said he has a cloistral, protanzo infection in his intestines. I have to try to get rid of that. I have been reading that Clostridial can cause tics. I have also been reading that it's hard to get rid of. But I have to try. I got the test done by Met. they send it to US BIO TEK LABS. The website is www.vrp.com. In the TS-plus there is 50 mg of Pathothione Acid, from the OAT test it suggested giving my son 250mg. The OAT test suggested also to give my son B1 25mg, Vitamin B12 1000mcg. In the TS-Plus he already gets that much B1 but not that much vitamin B12. As for how my son is doing, his tics are alot milder than before I started all these supplements and the diet changes,( no egg, artificial colorings or favors, preservatives, and NO MSG). He is always a little fiditey, when trying to sit still but nothing like when I gave him the Vitamin B 12 with cherry favor and the wild Oregano. He was so Hyper, Jumping on furniture, really bothering my other kids and screaming alot. I have not seen him like this in along time. He always has some what of a focus problem. That has never really changed and he really hates big crowds he always hast to be next to me or my husband or he hides.Whenever he watches T.V. he always turns his head to one side and wathes like that. MY family is used to him doing that. How is your son doing?


Chemar, Thanks so much for your suggestions!!! I will try the Monolaurin for my son because I think the wild of oregano is to strong for him. I will also try the Milk Thistle for his liver. I think your right the Cherry flavor might be the problem in the vitamin B12.


Caryn, My son had a IGG test and it said he has a intolerance to eggs. Can children have a wheat intolerance even though it did not show up on the IGG because I always have thought my son does not do well when he eats lots of wheat or gluten. Any thoughts?


Thanks again to the helpful suggestions, I have really been very stressed.



It is possible that the malabsorption is directly related to the bacterium present in the intestines. Once that is cleared and the intestines are healed then the symptoms should improve. There are several studies about that.

Celiac or gluten intolerance are only one reason for malabsorption. I have a friend with Crohn's. She was able to heal her intestines with a strict diet and continues to this day with a gluten free diet, not because of gluten intolerance, but to keep the Crohn's in remission. She was very bad at one time and needed surgery to remove parts of her bowel and has since been able to get pregnant and is healthy without meds. She was part of a study a couple of years ago and part of the protocol included no gluten, dairy, or refined sugar diet. I don't know all the specifics. There were other things she avoided too, and still does.

So to answer your question, yes, I believe gluten can be a problem even if it does not present itself in an IgG test if there is a digestive disease present. Same goes for corn, really, or any grain. Once the intestines heal, though, I imagine that the person would be able to resume eating it unless they have complications, like for example from Crohn's. (Having said that, I am not suggesting that everyone with Crohn's needs to be gluten free.) I know Cheri's son also has it and he has his own protocol that has been successful for him.


  • 2 weeks later...

Just wondering if, anyone has had a child with a clostridial bacterial infection before? My son is said to have one through his OAT test. So I am wondering, If your child did have it, how long did it take to get rid of it? What did you use to get rid of it? I have been reading about clostridial infections and it says one of the common symptoms of it is diarrhea. Well my sons has the exact opposite ( bad constipation). So I am confused. He has been using Culturelle for a month now and it has really helped with his constipation, I think a little with his tics. Because I have ran out of culturelle for 4 days now and his Tics have increased a bit. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Feedback would be appericated, Thanks so much Char...



If you have given more of the b vits that were suggested on the oat test, have you any feedback so far? My feeling is that if he is already getting b's in bonnies vits, then either it's not enough of absorbtion is not good. I am believing that is true for my son, as b vits never seemed to do much good, almost the opposite. We have just started NAET, and he did show weak/allergic to b-complex, so maybe there is something to it. We have treated that the first thing, and now I am giving 50 mgs. of b-complex. Its only been about 2 weeks, but it will be interesting to see, for I understand b's are quite important to the health of the nerves, so at least I feel a little better about giving it now, and so far there is definitely not an adverse reaction. In the past, I have always been leary of them because whenever I gave him a multi with high b's, I can't attest to him benefiting from it, so I always just gave a couple of them individually here and there, mostly b6, which seemed to be okay. Right now he is in a relatively mild state of tics, but I have mentioned I was having more of a problem with his other comborbid issues like ocd/inattention/ and irritability, so I am feeling that NAET may help by sort addressing his sensitivites that I feel contribute to all this. I'll post when I have more feedback.


Also, regarding the B12 sublinqual, my feeling is that it was probably too high an amount for him at one time. I know I have read somewhere on some forum (maybe neurotalk, can't remember now) that someone replied how after taking the sublinqual b12, they had such a jolt of energy that he was really wired and it was kind of scary. I did alot of digging around the web on b12, because at one time I was giving my son methyl b12 shots, hoping it would help with tics and his metabolism with gaining weight, but after a year I really could not see any benefits, still waxed and waned on tics, and still skinny. <_< , and btw, I did not ever see any kind of jolt of energy either. I'm guessing you stopped giving the b12, but you should poke around the net and google sublingual b12 and reactions to it, maybe half the dose might be better for him.




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