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Strep Question

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My 8 yr old (recently diagnosed with tourettes) developed a fever over the weekend. By Monday his throat was sore - I took him to the pediatrician on Tuesday who did a swab test for strep - it was positive. My son is now on amoxicillin for 10 days. Background - I had a sinus infection a few weeks ago and his older brother developed an ear infection last week so certainly something passing between us. Still - given my son has strep I worry. His vocal tics seem to be increasing - more low grunting, especially when he is sitting still (like when I'm reading to him), and what seems to be a kind of a chewing motion with nothing in his mouth. I am still so new with all of this that I don't even know what questions to ask. PANDAS came up for me when the doctor said strep and wanted to find out from all of you what I should be looking for and what questions to ask of the doctors.


Thank you!



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When I read your earlier posts and how you said tics dissappeared after surgery and on antibiotics, I immediately thought PANDAS. I sent a reply suggesting that but I am not sure if you got it. Now that he has strep and has an increase of tics, I would DEFINITELY atleast look into this and get the tests done so you can be sure... now is the time to do it because if you wait too long, you may miss the diagnosis due to titers becoming normal in time. Some kids stay elevated for VERY long time periods, while some kids come back to normal fairly quickly. Pay attention to see if your son improves on the antibiotic...that is a big indicator of PANDAS, but, even if he does not, get the blood tests done anyway, some PANDAS kids do not respond to antibiotics, especially if they have been dealing with PANDAS for some time without treratment and even at that, some kids only respond to certain antibiotics. Also, be careful to make sure the strep is eradicated after this course of antibiotics. Insist on a throat culture, grown atleast 48 hrs., 72 is best. Amox. has been know to fail lately in the eraadication of strep... if this is the case.. Chephalexin or another Chaphalosporin (sp?) has been shown to be great for strep. Take your son to the doctor ASAP and insist on an ASO titer and an AntiDNAase B titer, these both need run and may possibly give you an answer to your sons condition. I truly believe many, many children are diagnosed with tourettes when in fact they are PANDAS, and are missing the proper treatment. But, I am also starting to see that there is really not much difference bwtween the two disorders, and, are they really one in the same? Maybe they are and the treatments are different. I don't know, I just do know you need to get those tests run ASAP. Also, after strep is eradicated and if your son shows symptoms still, a 5 day course of Prednisone can improve things tremendously IF it is PANDAS. (a 5 day course of Prednisone is harmless, but, it is not something you can use long term but can be an indicator of PANDAS if it works.) Please keep us posted and I hope this helps.



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