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Paint Fumes and Tic Increase?

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My son's eye blinking tics started to increase on Sunday night and were really bad on Monday. I painted his room on Saturday and did the doors on Sunday. Both windows were open the entire time. There were some fumes, but not bad. He slept in there Sunday night. Am I crazy to think there is a link???? :)


Has anyone ever seen something like this increase tics. I can not identify any diet changes that would cause it...and as always, I am looking for that "WHY"???? Thanks for any input.

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I have read that toxic paint fumes can last years, does anyone know if this is correct information?


Tracey, I have read where plants can be very helpful in eliminateing toxins in the home. Maybe you could put some plants in his room for a time.



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My son's eye blinking tics started to increase on Sunday night and were really bad on Monday. I painted his room on Saturday and did the doors on Sunday. Both windows were open the entire time. There were some fumes, but not bad. He slept in there Sunday night. Am I crazy to think there is a link???? :wacko:


Has anyone ever seen something like this increase tics. I can not identify any diet changes that would cause it...and as always, I am looking for that "WHY"???? Thanks for any input.



We had the same thing happen last spring. We painted and wallpapered his room, and the nose tic came back. But he also had more screen time, so I wasn't sure which it was. But now that you say it too, I think it was the paint more than the screen time.

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Absolutely Paint fumes can increase tics!!! This will set my husband's TS off instantly! My husband describes himself as Hyper-sensitive to his 5 senses. I think it's very common with TS Suffer's. So remember if it's bothering us a little bit.....it's bothering them a lot!!!!

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Thank you all. Now I don't feel so crazy.


ALSO, Home Depot now sell a paint that has no fumes and NO VOC's (?). It was $35 a gallon and I debated it, but they didn't have the color I wanted.......they said there is no other on the market like it. The color is a powder!!!!


So, for your Spring Painting....you may want to look into it.


Thanks again!

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we had a recent discussion on this too



Thanks!!! I noticed in this thread that you listed "air fresheners" also. I just put one in my house outlet by where my son sits at the dinner table (I HATE the smell of dog in my house!!).


I am guessing that I should get rid of this???? ??? Thanks.

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Thank you all. Now I don't feel so crazy.


ALSO, Home Depot now sell a paint that has no fumes and NO VOC's (?). It was $35 a gallon and I debated it, but they didn't have the color I wanted.......they said there is no other on the market like it. The color is a powder!!!!


So, for your Spring Painting....you may want to look into it.


Thanks again!



You can buy that paint, and tint it to any color you want. They sell pain tints in little tubes.

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