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Olive Leaf Extract, Probiotic and Magnesium


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Has anyone tried Olive Leaf Extract and Probiotics for tics?  My daughter has had an eye blinking tic for the past couple of weeks.  I haven't seen this in a year.  Ive also wondered if I were to give her Magnesium would it help.  What Magnesium could I used for a 4 year old and how much?  

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We use Olive Leaf Extract as a general antimicrobial, but not specifically for TS tics, though I know some PANS/PANDAS parents have used it as a natural antibiotic.

We use Kefir as a probiotic, but again not specifically for tics........ but we did learn that the better overall health was, so the tics became more manageable.

Magnesium was overall very helpful for my son's tics.

I'm not sure what dose is suggested for a 4 year old though.

There are a number of parents who have posted here about seing eye tics improve by going dairy free...but this is not everyone.

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