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ADHD Research Oriented Considerations

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ADHD Considerations:


1. Television is associated with increased anxiety, aggression, suicide, obesity

and decreased learning and success in school, as well as decreased attention

span. Television has a tranquilizing affect that makes people drowsy, numb

and passive.






2. Are the 217 chemicals found in unborn babys' blood that are toxic to the

brain and nervous system be responsible for ADHD and other brain anomalies?




3. Does progesterone work to prevent brain damage in children?




4. Vitamins can have genetic effects and vitamin research has found significant

improvement in ADHD, autism, mental retardation and severely emotionally

disturbed children using specific formulations and programs.






5. Are parents being misled by big pharma research and advertising?





6. No More ADHD Book: http://www.ecampus.com/book/0966554531


7. Benjamin Feingold, M.D, found that about 40-50% of hyperactive

children are sensitive to artificial food colors, flavors and preservatives.




8. Since piracetam, a non-toxic supplement, aids brain function in a number of

ways, could it help ADHD cases?




9. Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD and colleague of Linus Pauling, says subclinical pellagra

exists in children today. The symptoms include hyperactivity, perceptual difficulties,

inappropriate social behavior, and, understandably, problems with school. Adding

niacin to food eliminated deadly pellagra but not the less serious forms for which

more B-3 was needed. It may, also, be responsible for depression in both kids &





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