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Possible PANS

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My son is almost 9. He has had tics/ocd behaviors since age 5. He went from a calm child to waking up one day with quite a few tics. They seemed to explode. He has had many, many infections. Mainly sinus and ear issues. Has had many surgeries. Adenoids out twice, tonsillectomy. 2 sinus surgeries, nasal biopsies, lung biopsies etc. 6 sets of ear tubes, etc. He was diagnosed with probable PCD. All that to say many infections. I pushed for him to test him for strep after reading this board and that was negative. He was diagnosed with Tourettes after about two years. We have him on a magnesium supplement and except for a few times when the tics stared, the tics have always been very mild. His only issue right now is compulsive nail biting. I am just curious about testing for PANS. What tests are needed? Would we see his pediatric dr or his neurologist? Thank you for your help.

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pans is a clinical diagnosis and an autoimmune condition. there are some tests under the pinned materials, including possibel triggers like mycoplasma or lyme. there are also tests of the immune system like cunningham's.

but you do not predominantly rely on the test for diagnosis but on symptoms. tests are there to help you figure out triggers. if psychiatric and behavior symptoms can be related to infection (and there are other obvious sign of infection), then your child is diagnosed with pans. that's all you need for diagnosis.

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