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ACN Latitudes Forums

A good multivitamin and amino acids


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Hi everyone,


My son has had 9 sessions of acupuncture and for the most part I noticed a difference in the frequency and the intensity of his tics up until 3 days ago. I am still looking for answers. I don't think gluten free or dairy free is the answer because he has went up to 9 months with virtually no tics and had dairy and gluten. He is 14 and his diet is no longer terrible impressive. I'm trying to find a good multivitamin that does not cost to much. Suggestions would be appreciated. Also, years ago on this forum many members were having success with amino acids. Any suggestions on types to use and dosage? He mainly has facial tics which are brutal for a high school boy who would like to date"hot chicks"! 😳.

Thank you for your input.

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