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Need advice please

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Ds 9 developed hives today after 9 days on omnicef. We switched from augmentin after 7 1/2 months. The omnicef made a difference within days but then a mini flare with rage suddenly on the evening of day 6 and now hives. Our pediatrition (pandas friendly but not extremely knowledgable) has told me to discontinue all antibiotics. She prescribed 3 days of steroids which he started today.

Has anyone dealt with this? I'm so nervous we are going to lose all the progress we have made.

Thank you for sharing any information.

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What a nightmare! My dd7 was already allergic to amoxicillin and Bactrim by age 3. Reaction to Bactrim also came on Day 9. She was diagnosed with PANDAS at 5. We were in a panic that she would not be able to take abx.


She is also Lyme/Bartonella/Mycoplasma so she is on multiple abx. There may be another type of abx that your DS can take. Did your Ped. Prescribe the Omnicef? Contact your PANDAS dr. Do you see one?

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I'm sorry you had to go through that. I totally understand the panic! Our doc did prescribe the omnicef at my request. Ds was diagnosed at childrens hospital Los Angeles by head neurologist but we don't really have a pandas specialist but the neurologist did order ivig which we did 51/2 weeks ago.

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maybe the hives had nothing to do with the omnicef.


you could go to an allergist and see, they can check it.


maybe it was something consumed elsewhere, or exposed to something, or yeast or who knows what else.

Edited by amyjoy
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