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Going to wean off the Risperdal

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Hi all,


We have weaned our son off the evening dose, and are starting to wean him off the morning dose. So far yesterday was a good day, no change he still did well. My questions is about the Natural Calm. At this time we give him the supplement 3 times a day. One TSP in the morning, with calcium one TSP after school, with calcium and one TSP before bed with calcium, and the zinc.. I did it this way thinking he would benefit from it spread out. Do you think I should be giving him the Natural Calm (3 TSP) all at one time? Along with the calcium and zinc? I was wondering if this change would impact his weaning at all. (good or bad) What do you think?


And as Faith says, "Calling all angels" we need prayer.


Thanks guys, I hope to report really good news, and maybe a couple doubles on the baseball field. The boy will be pushing for a triple, but I don't think that will happen unless there is a few errors.


God Bless,


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Hi C.P.


I'd leave the Natural Calm, calcium, & zinc the way that you've been doing it since your son's doing well. Changing it to all at one time could likely change your results. I would think that most do better with lower doses more times a day, rather than one large dose a day. If you want to try it all at once, I'd wait until 2-3 weeks after your son is off Risperdal.


I'm glad that removing the Risperdal is working for your son. I'll be praying that he can get fully off the Risperdal w/out any troubles. I'm sure you already know this, but make sure that you go really slow when weaning him off the Risperdal. We gave it 2 weeks before lowering Risperdal each time.



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