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Integrative MD / LLMD in or near Atlanta?

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My Son, now 7 has a long history detailed in this thread: "Tourettes + Bipolar diagnosis for 6 year old".


In the last year we've been trying meds and are currently on a regimen of zyprexa, abilify and tenex. We are still having behavior issues and aggression and I feel that we need help trying to rule out some underlying issue.


Does anyone have a suggestion for an Integrative MD / LLMD in or near Atlanta?


Thank You


Edited by fencelatitude
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Mark I am in Atlanta (johns creek to be exact). We are seeing 2 doctors for my son's diagnosed PANDAS.


1) Dr. Tasneem Bhatia - Brookhaven - Holistic/Alternative MD. She has helped us with diet changes, methylation, yeast, food intolerances, etc

2) Dr. Fier/Dr. Vinson - PonceHighlands/Atlanta - Psychiatrist/Leading PANDAS specialist. Dr. Vision is currently treating our son for PANDAS (i.e. antibiotics)


In our experience the diet changes/gut work has 50% of the equation with the antobiotics being the other 50%.


hope this helps!

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