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Son being tested for dyslexia today

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My ds8 has had some ups and downs over the past 6 months. I am having him evaluated today for dyslexia. And in my mind there is no need to have him evaluated for ADHD (as in, he can't focus or remember to save his life and is constantly interrupting, etc)


Wondering if you have seen a fairly swift improvement in dyslexic and/or ADHD behaviors with treatment for lyme/babesia/Bart


I am sure that he got all of this in utero as his siblings, dad and I are all positive for lyme. And he started out coloring upside down and looking at books that way. It hasn't been a sudden onset of this type of behavior (irritability and aggression, yes).


He has the mthfr c677 (Hetero) mutation, so I know that helping detox has to come into play for him. He is on a small dose of methyl folate now in addition to some other things. Yesterday we tried him on vyvanse (for adhd). And he was a lot better.


So I'm asking this because I hate those meds, and I know there is a reason for these issues. But I don't think he, or our family (including dd11with pandas of the raging type) can handle any more chaos. Whatever I can do to bring some better, warmer feelings to our house must be done. Just wondering if this will be more or less long term.

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We have seen vast improvement in dyslexic and/or ADHD since treatment for Lyme et al. At one point, our son wrote his name perfectly in a mirrored fashion (if you held his hand writing on a paper, up to a mirror, it read perfectly). Currently, all ADHD is resolved, handwriting is OK and occasionally still reverses Bs and Ds or 6s and 9s, is 9 years old, 4th year of Lyme treatment.


A couple of things contributing to possible ADHD symptoms: Yeast, Parasites, Mineral Deficiencies, Heavy Metals and based on our experience 'Bartonella'.

Edited by sf_mom
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