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What is the difference between DNASE and ASO?

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What are the implications of elevated anti-DNASE? DD has never had elevated DNASE previously, and her ASO level which was previously elevated has been under control for six months. Her DNASE just came back off the charts (486 with a reference range 0-170). She has been doing generally extremely well, and we are weaning her off antibiotics moving to a prophlylactic dose.

however we have had blips: some return of skin picking, intermittent handwriting decline, some anxiety, emotional outbursts. She generally quickly recovers and I had just assumed the emotional swings had become part of her "fabric" or were in response to strep exposure. Also at this stage, I see many of the girls her age are "dramatic". however now these last test results had me wondering what's up.

In our new school in NJ, we do not get strep notifications so I have no idea when the outbreaks have been or how many.


What do you make of this? I have to do a drs follow up soon in Feb but in NJ you get the results direct from the lab, I'm not sure if I should wait till Feb or what? DD is going down to Zith 2x/week, 250 MG. Staying on our supplements. Does this elevated level need treatment?

She was just swabbed because she had a sore throat (which has gone away) and no surprise because of the Zith swabbed negative. This bloodwork was 2 weeks before the sore throat.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by hopeny
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