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Clindamycin for acne


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Ok, my ds13 has been doing pretty well. I even stopped all abx for about six weeks over summer and he remained at about 98 %.. Yay.... However, there have been a few documented cases of strep at his school and I noticed his tics starting up mildly again so I started him back on his augmentin a few days ago. My son had his annual dermatology appointment today and our dermatologist wants him to start with some clindamycin cream for some pimples he has on his forehead and chin. I don't know how this will react with his augmentin. Also, I am confused about the doseage on this type of cream. How do you determine how much to use and how much of the antibiotic is getting into his system? The label just says to apply to affected areas twice daily. The label mentions c-diff as a possible side effect. Just wondering how this type of cream would get into digestive tract and cause c-diff. Should I really be concerned or am I over-reacting about nothing? I did tell the dermatologist he takes augmentin daily. He said he could also prescribe minocycline if the cream does not help. Anybody else use this cream? Thanks

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My son is on daily augmentin and biaxin, treatment dose. He had a flare after losing a molar and he took 10 days of clindamycin and it snapped him out of it. Yes, took all 3 at the same time. The clindamycin lotion is brand name Cleosin. It's been around for ages as an acne treatment. My brother, who is now 51, used it on his skin for acne when he was a teen. I think its perfectly fine to use.


He won't get much systemically, if at all. No danger of c diff. It's a generic warning about clindamycin.

Edited by nicklemama
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