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Brain-Restless Leg-Parasites

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As you know, my child never sleeps. Up for days. I just read an article that really triggered something for me. I have always wondered it it were a parasite that was keeping her up, since I saw her sleep on black walnut oil once. It is not the whole picture, but could be piece of the puzzle. She also has low ferritin and RLS. Can you read this link and tell me if I may be onto something. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my girl had a fructose malapsorbtion test done and the GI doctor said he never saw the "fructose" travel so quickly through someone in his career. He thought bacterial problem. What do you think about this????



Edited by trintiybella
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Restless Legs are often magnesium deficiency but could also be parasites, IMO. Anti parasitic may be very harsh and cause a lot of unacceptable symptoms like runny bms, could also create space for opportunistic infections if not supported well. Are you working with a DAN Dr? Our Dr has our kids on 3 capsules of GI Microbe-X per day, we worked up to that dose. Has been quite helpful with out daughter, no signs of parasites. Our son however is similarly well though he has some difficulty holding things together in the winter months he puts things in his mouth which is evidence of parasites in our house so for that period we added an extra antibiotic, otherwise GI Microbe-X at 3x day (Amazon.com) helps with full moon effect in our house among other types of behavior. Worth a try.

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