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This is more about frustration than advice.


I have learned that there are probably another 6-7 cases of pPANDAS at my kids school. But it's always a secret. One kid is in my daughter's fourth grade class and has blinking tics but no OCD. The mother knew of my situation and approached me. They had had successes with abx, the last episode abx didn't work. They had a T&A in January and tics improved slightly and now they are relying only in therapy and possibly tic meds.I told the mother it may be a co-infection like MycoP, she said that her son has had MycoP numerous times, but doesn't want to put him through another blood test. There is another child with a similar story too, but that mom doesn't know that I know and according to a mutual friend isn't interested in research/help.


I guess I find this frustrating because I wish someone had pushed me to check in DS earlier. The nature of mental illness and the secrets families prefer to keep, just means that it will take that much longer for this to be recognized and covered by insurance. In the meantime these kids will suffer and possible get numerous execerbations : (



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