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Lemon Balm update

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I wanted to share our experience with lemon balm so far. We had tried it with our ds, 23, a few months ago and after about a week determined it was not helping, and may be making him more depressed and fatigued so we stopped it. About a month ago, we stopped prozac 20 mg switched to very low dose of luvox, 25 mg, and started lemon balm again...300mg twice a day.


We did this with his drs approval, primary care, rheumatologist, and neuropsych were all in favor of this. Since this is the 3rd time we have tried to stop prozac over the last few years with no success due to awful withdrawal, I was hoping lemon balm would help with that.


So far, it has been a positive. We are on day 15 of no prozac. Dr. told me it would stay in his system for 21 days. So far, he has done well. Stress level is fairly low, he is smiling a lot and still eating which is a really good thing. I attribute this to the lemon balm as the last time we tried this15 months ago with no lemon balm, it was a disaster. stopped eating for 3 days would only drink 1 glass of water, severe panic attacks, dropped to 118 lbs in short period of time.


I am glad we tried it one more time. I will keep him on it until he we are sure prozac withdrawal is not a problem.


Important to note, it does not help with ocd symptoms. He is on 250 mg biaxin twice a day.

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We started the Lemon Balm on 03-01-2013 and it is still working quite well for us. Kiddo is much happier, and able to be left alone in a room without anxiety for varying periods of time. Whereas before, she was within 2 feet of me at all times. We have also gotten off zoloft in that time frame (two weeks ago). We were on a very low dose as it was, but it did not seem to be helping, certainly not with her anxiety which is what it was prescribed for. The lemon balm (500mg twice a day) has helped to reduce nightmares as well.

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I started New Chapter lemon balm about a 6 wks or so ago for me! It's working. I have no experience with SSRI's but this was a last ditch effort to avoid them for me. I take one morning and evening. I am sleeping soundly through the night and I am much less edgy, irritable and quick to anger. Like an SSRI, it takes a while for the effects. It's not immediate. I wasn't sure it was going to work but decided to go a month before discontinuing.

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I am curious if anyone is aware if Lemon Balm can have similar negative side effects like SSRI'S can have? My DS13 has extreme neg reactions to Zoloft, Lexapro, GABA, Lithium Orate, even Pepsid, Omega 3 and Vit D.

I would love to try LB, but I'm nervous...

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D's mom I do not know and I have wondered will there be withdrawal when we stop it. My son has not been able to tolerate ssri's at any medium to high dose.

His Dr. just gave me info last week on a genetics test done by Iverson Genetics to check his metabolism of drugs. We are going to do it. It is just done by swabbing inside of cheeks. Do not think BCBS will cover so cash cost is $1150. However for anyone with medicaid, I understand it is covered in full. Some of you may want to check into this if your child has problems taking certain meds. We have had the problem with elevated liver enzymes in the past and this test will help identify why, if caused by meds.

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D's mom I do not know and I have wondered will there be withdrawal when we stop it. My son has not been able to tolerate ssri's at any medium to high dose.

His Dr. just gave me info last week on a genetics test done by Iverson Genetics to check his metabolism of drugs. We are going to do it. It is just done by swabbing inside of cheeks. Do not think BCBS will cover so cash cost is $1150. However for anyone with medicaid, I understand it is covered in full. Some of you may want to check into this if your child has problems taking certain meds. We have had the problem with elevated liver enzymes in the past and this test will help identify why, if caused by meds.

Kathy, you may want to get a list of the genes that are tested and compare it to 23andMe, which is only $99 and is a spit test (requires about a 1/2 inch of spit in a collection tube). 23andMe tests CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP2A6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP3A4, GSTP1, SOD2 A16V, NAT1, NAT2 (various snps of each gene). There are 990,000 snps tested so PM me if there are specific snps or gene mutations you're looking for that I didn't list and I can tell you if 23andMe tests for it. Not pushing this particular company, but it's $1050 cheaper. The one downside is that it takes 8 weeks to get results.

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Thanks LLM, I see all 3 things are included in 23 and me. The trouble for us is due to his ocd being so bad right now, he is refusing to do labs, urine test and x rays and won't let dr swab cheek so we were going to get dentist to do it while cleaning his teeth. I bet I can't get him to spit either. Will talk to his Dr. about this. Would be quite a savings!!!


CYP2C9 CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 are the genes tested.

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