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Warmer Weather - Vacations

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I read in a few posts that PANS kids do better (sometimes only temporarily) in warmer weather. I have an opportunity to take the family to Florida as I need to be there for work at the end of the month. DS14 is still not leaving the house/showering/ going to th bathroom for less than 4 hours. Do you think there would be a benefit to pushing him to go to FL? I was just going to try again next year, I know the other two kids (apropos the Glass Child post) would love it, but I don't want to leave DH and DS here behind. He doesnt rage and his mood is pretty good (this past week consistantly), but he hasn't changed his socks, fully bathed in months (he is using the dry shampoo, so thanks to whoever suggested that). It's 3 birthdays in the family that week (mine, DS14 and DD9), so there is definitely reason to celebrate, but I don't want to fight a losing battle.






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What will he say if you ask him? I don't know what part of the country you are in but I think going to spend some time in Florida would put anybody in a better mood. However you decide to handle it I hope he goes so your whole family gets to enjoy the trip.

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We live in FL - so I don't know how the warm weather thing works for UA...but I can tell you that my son typically does better when we are travelling.


Our therapist used this analogy - which made sense to mW: when you're running late for work, and then you get a flat tire , it increases your stress as you're trying to change it, call the tow truck and worry about what you're missing at work.


But if the wheel falls off the car completely, you just call out sick to work and don't worry about work anymore because you know there's no way you're making it in - so with the bigger catastrophe you're actually less stressed.


She said it is similar for our son - when we take him entirely out of his element his compulsions aren't as severe and he's more flexible because its all new. If we're gone a week or so - we'll see him become more rigid about 4-5 days in as he becomes acclimated to his surroundings.


This is just our experience. I know others who have the opposite reaction to travelling, bit thought I would share.

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I would say it WILL help you feel better... Maybe if he believes you, he will have it in his mind that it will be a positive experience and will calm him down. The only drawback may be sleep. My son always has trouble with sleep even at home, so on vacation it can escalate the problem. I have to take a sleep aid along. I understand your situation, not an easy answer.

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