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Hi All

My son has had tics since the age of six. They started with rapid blinking and eye rolling but now are almost exclusively vocal. He doesn't have a formal diagnosis of Tourettes because his specialist says he would have to have both motor and vocal tics together for a period of time and he never has.

I have read recently that vocal tics can be linked quite strongly to allergies and am wondering if anyone has seen improvements in vocal tics after cutting out certain foods? I do give my son Magnesium, fish oils etc and we avoid colorants. He follows a very healthy diet and eats pretty much everything! Rather than start randomly cutting foods out I am thinking I should go the allergy test route.


Would really appreciate all thoughts and feedback!





Hi All

My son has had tics since the age of six. They started with rapid blinking and eye rolling but now are almost exclusively vocal. He doesn't have a formal diagnosis of Tourettes because his specialist says he would have to have both motor and vocal tics together for a period of time and he never has.

I have read recently that vocal tics can be linked quite strongly to allergies and am wondering if anyone has seen improvements in vocal tics after cutting out certain foods? I do give my son Magnesium, fish oils etc and we avoid colorants. He follows a very healthy diet and eats pretty much everything! Rather than start randomly cutting foods out I am thinking I should go the allergy test route.


Would really appreciate all thoughts and feedback!





Hi i'm a Newbie and just joined up. We were told my son had mild anxiety with a tic disorder at 4.5yrs and we left it at that he had a little bit of eye rolling and mouth opening and that was it. He is now 6.5yrs and 2 weeks before starting grade 1 he started with a very loud vocal tic. I immediately started researching and got him into a natropath who has found he has candida & leaky gut syndrome which can have many health complications so it may be good to rule that out. I've read that many people have had success with a gluten and dairy free diet, Low sugar and no additives or colours. This is currently what we are doing with my boy (it is tough at first)and i also plan to have him allergy tested asap. He is on a multivitamin with all the magnesium etc in it from the naturopath and we started fish oil also but i found after 1.5 weeks on it his vocal tic came back much worse so i have stopped it and the vocal tic is slowing waning out. I have since read that a lot of people with tics or ts cannot tolerate fish oil and seems to make vocal tics in particular worse for some while others have no problem on it. I think allerg testing your boy is a really good idea. It can only do good, Not harm :) Also give him some nice epsom salt baths a few times a week, Really helps!


Welcome to both of you :)


Lisa, sorry your post got missed!


As logismum mentioned, some people with TS do seem to react negatively to fish oil and so for them flaxseed oil, or freshly ground flaxseeds are a better source of Omega 3, along with eating more omega 3 rich foods (avoid farm raised salmon !!!!)


Allergies (food as well as environmental) can be a tic trigger and we have many reports here of tics resolving once the allergens are removed.


Do take a look at our Helpful Threads pinned to the top of this board


Thanks for the welcome Chenmar :)


Any chance you have some families from Australia on here? I've found it hard to find any blogs, forums etc with Australian families, Especially ones that talk about or are/have tried natural alternatives.



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