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Ian has been on prozac for about a year. At first it helped the OCD quite a bit, just leaving lingering pieces. Since we started it though, it seems Ian has been having more issues with hyper activity and attention issues. He has always had some issues with that, but it has gotten worse. (quick history, we did lots of IVIGs and are now on our way to seeing Dr. J in a few months, maybe another lyme doc locally first). Ian is 9, so still young. But thinking about it we decided to try to take him back down to the next low dose of prozac (5mg) to see if the hyperness went down any. In doing this it was hard to tell if it did improve or not. I think it may have a little. But even on 5, I think I noticed it when he first started. the issue is when we went up and down in the dosage his emotions went haywire. I tried taking the dose down a bit ago last week but put it back up to 10mg. I realize I shoudln't go up and down, and it was just a few days, but he is emotionally a mess right now. I do notice it when I went up and down in the dose over the course of a few days. THe OCD seems to have been helped, but instead we have more issues with focus and hyperness (his therapist said it cold be ADHD, but that even by 9 the hyperness seems to start to calm down in kids with true ADHD) His has gotten worse. I really feel like I want to take him off of it. But I worry about the OCD coming back more so. I am also just wondering if this sounds like anything other PANDAS kids may have dealt with on SSRIs. as I know they can react a bit different than other kids. If I were to taper him down on it, how slow should I go? I am thinking 5 mg at a time is TOO much, even though he is only one 10.....I am going to call his neurologist (who is wonderful) and get in to see him in the next couple of weeks, too. He is not super pro drugs, so that is why I love him. He is very conservative with medications and kids. He doesn't treat PANDAS, but he has been a great addition to the team and doesn't poo poo it at all. I would hate to see the OCD come back so badly, but something changed when he has been on this, too. And I am not sure if it is for the better. ANy thoughts? We have looked at co-infections and Lyme is next. I am really concerned more about the side effects and tapering down on an SSRI right now. He is pretty highly functioning even with the OCD, goes to school, etc.

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