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Just having one of those days.


In the past 6 weeks, DS6 had strep throat, then the girl I babysit had scarlet fever, then DS4 got strep, then the kid across the road had strep, now DH has strep. We're surrounded!!! DS7(PANDAS) is trying so hard to stay in control that it is breaking my heart to watch him. Despite prophylaxis and his best efforts he is VERY moody, aggressive and unpredictable. He started making suicide threats again. I'm so tired. Does this EVER end? Sorry to be a downer, just needed a moment to let it out. Thanks for listening.



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MomCap - I am so sorry. Suicide threats are the worst. I would suggest lots of testing for your son, but it sounds like he is simply surrounded with strep.


You say your son is on prophylaxis AbX - he may need to go up to a treatment dose for a while. He may be fighting strep himself right now, and the prophylaxis may not be enough.

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I'm sorry you're going through this. We went through those times when it seemed strep wouldn't leave us alone and it was just encompassing us. The good news is for my family it eventually settled. We have had strep in the house again since then but it didn't hit as hard and only affected one person, not the whole family as it did in the past. Stay focused, stay hopeful.

Yes, when your child makes those threats it's very scary. Do you feel they are just words said out of anger, frustration and sadness or do you feel he may not understand the repercussions and may actually act upon the threats? It hurts me to ask that.

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The pain and sorrow we feel as we watch our sweet innocent children suffer to the point of no longer wanting to live is just so unbearable. Please know you are not alone, your child is not alone and we are all here for you...particularly at these most difficult moments when all we can really do is vent to others who have been there and know the pain you bear.


from Michigan

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Thanks guys. I had a pity-party last night, then pulled it all back together again today. It helps a lot just to share with others who really have been there and done that. So thanks again for listening.


I'm sure at this point these threats are just words - an expression of how hopeless he feels. But it does make me afraid for the future, and when I think ahead it is easy to get overwhelmed and lose hope. I'm back to focusing on right now, and getting through today. One day at a time...

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Oh...I feel your pain. Our dd11 has had PANDAS since age 6, and we had so many instances of moodiness, meanness, aggression, she at her worst was delusional and has once or twice grabbed a kitchen knife. I also did not think it would ever end, and was at the point where we thought we may have to send her away. She had PANDAS induced anorexia, as well. She is also PITAND with a positive Mycoplasma IGG and IGM. Guess what??? She had her tonsils removed in February of this year. Her IGM is now negative. Still fighting a positive IGG, however. She went into anorexia treatment and is now 2 pounds from her goal weight. Her OCD is next to nothing. She is a happy, content 11 year old. I would consider us in remission going on almost 5 months. She was exposed to several viruses and has not had the canary reaction that she use to get. I am praying, praying -as we all do when remission strikes - that it stays, but like all PANDAS parents - will take it for as long as it is given to me!!! Keep your head up! Things will get better. Keep searching for answers. Don't take "I don't know" or "I've never heard of that test" or "I've never heard of PANDAS - she has OCD" .... DON'T LISTEN....you are the mom - and you know best!! New things are popping up every day!! Steven Curtis Chapman sings a song called "Help Is On The Way" and I listened to that when I was discouraged. Prayers your way mom!!

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