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Had a oonsultation with Dr. Trifiletti yesterday after Kyle's bloodwork came back. Dr. T asked me if Kyle was still hallucinating. I said yes, - not all the time, but at least a few times/day. Kyle says that ocd and god (not the real God, ocd's cousin God) talk to him all the time, but sometimes they try to show him things too that scare him. And for the past few days he has now had a "fake Winston Churchill" talking to him, he says that ocd got a fake Winston to show him things now and sometimes they all talk at once and he can't understand them or what they always want him to do (ocd stuff). Sometimes Kyle will also just stop and stare off into space like he's seeing something. I know this is common with ocd - like intrusive thoughts or whatever, but sometimes it's like he is just dumbstruck by whatever they show him, like he will cry and shake and just cover his eyes; he also told me that a picture of him and I changed in front of his eyes - that we turned into monsters and it really upset him.


Anyway, Dr. T asked me how Kyle's eating habits have been lately after he asked about the hallucinations. I said that for the past couple of weeks Kyle's had a big sweet tooth and he's normally not like that and I was starting to get worried that maybe he had yeast build from the abx he's been on. I'm talking a pretty major sweet tooth, like wanting french silk pie - or other form of chocolate every day - one day he at a whole pie! Before you think I'm the worst mom in the world for letting him eat that, Kyle isn't overweight and he normally never asks for sweets like that. Kyle also gained six pounds and grew like 2 inches in the last week, so I'm thinking it was a major growth spurt, which kind of stopped me from worrying about the yeast as much until Dr. T asked me about the eating.


But, Dr. T said with the hallucinations that he would actually be more concerned that Kyle might be hypoglycemic as one of his patients that had a lot of hallucinations had a problem with glucose. He wants Kyle to have glucose intolerance testing done. From what I've read on hypoglycemic symptoms, there are a LOT of pandas symptoms on there like rages, depression, inability to concentrate, short term memory loss. Something I read even said that hypoglycemic people are commonly misdiagnosed as bipolar or schitzophrenic!


So... I'm wondering, have any of you guys found out that your children are hypoglycemic/had tests done?

I know a lot of you are really good about limiting or have eliminated sugar from your diets already. I have to admit, I am a pop lover (so is Kyle) and I'm not talking diet, so I've been really procrastinating doing the healthy diet thing. I've been trying to live in denial about it and wanting the ivig and the abx and all the supplements I give him to just fix it all without having to revamp how we all eat on top of everything, but obviously, I'm starting to be forced to accept this could be a huge part of the problem.


Thanks for any insight.

p.s. Dr. T also noted Kyle tested positive for anaplasma based on latest bloodwork, going to do a sep. post on that one so my posts aren't so convoluted!


I know that you'll get a lot of posts about diet and encouraging you that the benefits are awesome. I wish we could make those diet changes. But the reality is, I have a house of picky eaters who think "vegetable" is one of the seven dirty words. We do what we can, but you're not alone in picking battles and leaving diet way down on the list of things to change. I think the hypoglycemia test will give you answers about how much of this may be playing a role. I don't want to discourage you from looking at diet - just wanted to let you know you have company on the "bad mothers" bench when it comes to junk food in the house.


For help with hypoglycemic or yeast, a big key would be to get him to eat proteins throughout the day:

nuts, dairy, meats. You could try and replace the sugar/carb go to foods with nut/dairy/meats in the house to eat.

Think protein foods, and often.

You may have to get a test for yeast, and if it is present/high, get an antifungal/up probiotics.


Don't know why I didn't see this sooner- but yes! I think my daughter has bouts of hypoglycemia. Its very hard to check, because she's usually in fight or flight mode when she gets blood draws (needle fear) so her blood is flooded w/ glucose at the time of draw. But her last draw, when she was really sick- she tested low normal for fasting state (the ranges are always set for fasting), but had not been fasting and was in fight or flight...so it must have been pretty dang low before she spazzed out! I've observed too, that if I keep her fed- small snack every half hour or so, those F or F episodes are greatly reduced. I keep telling the school to keep her fed, I explain this to them...they ask her if she wants food and if she says no, they don't give her any. At home, I just get food and put it in her mouth, no matter what she's doing and that works! We have a glucose meter for her, but pretty early on we figured out that she'll read high or normal because of the ForF reaction to the poke.


Thanks, this is all super helpful. I am working on trying to feed him smaller meals throughout the day. Super interesting how all of these things come into play for our kids. Never in a million years did I dream I would ever say that my son has an autoimmune disorder, an immune subclass deficiency, a mycoplasma infection, a rare anaplasma infection, suspected lyme disease, and suspected hypoglycemia?! He seems/looks so healthy sometimes, all of his symptoms are psychological... except for the hypoglycemia, he is starting to say he feels awful physically now when I suspect his blood sugar is low, he just cries and can barely walk sometimes.

  • 5 months later...

I know this is a late reply, but what did you find out about the yeast? I have a son who REALLY craves sugar and carbs, and I am thinking of getting him checked for the same things. What happened with your child?

Thanks! K

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm with you---my kids also have every one of those diagnoses, minus the rare anaplasma infection.


They eat frequently throughout the day, protein with every snack, lots of complex carbs. Also, fat at bedtime.




Thanks, this is all super helpful. I am working on trying to feed him smaller meals throughout the day. Super interesting how all of these things come into play for our kids. Never in a million years did I dream I would ever say that my son has an autoimmune disorder, an immune subclass deficiency, a mycoplasma infection, a rare anaplasma infection, suspected lyme disease, and suspected hypoglycemia?! He seems/looks so healthy sometimes, all of his symptoms are psychological... except for the hypoglycemia, he is starting to say he feels awful physically now when I suspect his blood sugar is low, he just cries and can barely walk sometimes.

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