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Dogs and Strep

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I've heard this before, but heard it again recently.....dogs can be strep carriers. Just checking to see if anyone on this forum has had their dog tested for strep and if so, what is involved with that and what is the cost? I mentioned it to my vet last year, but she thought I was being a little "over the top" and would not test her for it. She also said it was expensive to test. Well.....our problems started in January of 2006. We got our dog in October of 2006. Not saying that the dog is the reason why we are still struggling, but when you get to the point of trying everything in the world, and exploring all reasons why your child may not be getting better, and this comes up again - it makes you wonder! We just tested her (DD) again and her MycoP is still elevated (IGM), and she has a 1:200 Streptozyme.

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I agree! Don't request what you would like done from your vet- demand it...or find another vet. Our vet also thought it was a little over the top, but was willing to do whatever we asked, given my daughter's circumstances. We treated our cats with abxs as a precaution and when one had to go under for a dental issue- we did a throat culture.

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I'm just wondering, though....are dogs like humans where they can be a strep carrier and no matter how many times you treat them, they just still carry it? I know a person like that - she is a strep carrier and no matter how many antibiotics she has been on, tonsils are out, etc. - she still shows up as a carrier.

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This is a question which has also had me thinking for a while...could my dog's skin conditions and my son's PANDAS be somehow connected? Our dog has canine lupus - an autoimmune condition which attacks just the skin around his nose and worsens with sun exposure. It is currently controlled and has been for about 18 months. The dog has also recently had a hot, red rash break out on his paws and legs (happens nearly every summer) - probably an allergic reaction to something he's come in contact with. He's currently on an antibiotic and steroids for that. Meanwhile ds is well (knock on wood!) Everytime this question comes up I review my conclusion that it's probaby a coincidence...but it still makes me wonder!

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This is a question which has also had me thinking for a while...could my dog's skin conditions and my son's PANDAS be somehow connected? Our dog has canine lupus - an autoimmune condition which attacks just the skin around his nose and worsens with sun exposure. It is currently controlled and has been for about 18 months. The dog has also recently had a hot, red rash break out on his paws and legs (happens nearly every summer) - probably an allergic reaction to something he's come in contact with. He's currently on an antibiotic and steroids for that. Meanwhile ds is well (knock on wood!) Everytime this question comes up I review my conclusion that it's probaby a coincidence...but it still makes me wonder!



Just a thought on this one, dogs do carry/ contract Lymes, Lymes causes autoimmune issues

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"Just a thought on this one, dogs do carry/ contract Lymes, Lymes causes autoimmune issues"


One less worry for us...there's no evidence of Lyme in Australia. Ticks yes, but not Lyme. There have been cases of Lyme here (including one of our top women tennis players) but it's been contracted while overseas.

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Our vet is phenomenal, and seems to know and accept way more than most human doctors about PANDAS. He's the one who suggested that we treat the dog, when he heard what my kids have (the dog was a rescue.) He also told us about the "killed" vaccine for bordetella, which the dog is required to have in order to board him. The first time we got a regular bordetella, and our younger son got sick from it. The next time, our vet told us that there is a killed version. It's not common to give it, but it's written in big print in his records that our dog has to have the killed version.

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