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How does your PANDAS child react to a high fever?

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My son only had a high fever once since PANDAS. For him, he was fine during the actually fever and it was a few days post fever that I saw some PANDAS symptoms. For him, they were short lived. Some say when PANDAS kids have fevers, there's a calm before the storm. Maybe your son's fever is in the tail end of on its way out? Just try to keep the fever down and if need be, you can alternate between Ibuprofen and Tylenol, spacing them out. Perhaps even continue to give Ibuprofen a few days after the fever is gone.

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We have seen both extremes with fever in my DS. Sometimes when he gets a fever he is the calmest and most "normal" we ever see - the "calm before the storm" effect. But the last time he got a fever he was acting VERY strange. He was rubbing the couch and looked spaced out. He told me all of our stuff was different, but he couldn't explain it. The couch felt different and everything looked different, even though he knew it was really the same. Then he said he didn't feel real, like he was in a movie or dreaming. He kept talking strangely like this, and then he had a major shrieking fit which our neighbour could hear and came running over to see what was wrong. It upset the poor neighbour so badly she started cursing and telling me to rush to the E.R. - where we had just come from. Anyway, long story short - we have seen both extremes with fever. WAY WAY worse, and WAY WAY better.

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Ditto for us - when our son has a fever, ALL of his PANDAS symptoms seem to go away, and he's calm and mellow. Is it terrible that we sort of enjoy when he has a fever?? :blink:

Just as terrible as it is for me to feel cheated because my daughter so seldom gets a fever! :P

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My children do tend to get very high fevers with illnesses (103-103.5), but I have not noticed a decrease in tics.


Could he have strep right now? I would be concerned that with the high fever and the ramp up in symptoms, that it is strep. You can get strep while on Augmentin, especially if the dose is on the lower side. How much does he weigh and what dose of augmentin?


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