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Lyme in family


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Perhaps this has been covered somewhere else, and I apologize if this is a duplicate question. Dd 9 has tested positive for lyme using Igenex, although negative on the western blot Quest ran initially. She is making huge strides with treatment. I don't know enough about this disease, but it seems that if she is positive, then all 5 of us certainly had tick bites, probably many more than she (the youngest of 3 kids by 8 years). All of us are extremely healthy, always, other than allergies we are never sick, and leading very physical lives, (mountaineering, extreme aerobic endeavors, etc.) But I am wondering if lyme lurks in people, and later attacks in some way...like in 10 years M.S., or mitral valve prolapse, or alzheimers, etc. I know the jury is out on this...but if we were positive and treated it, what is to stop from getting another tick bite, and being positive a year after treatment, etc.? Should people in endemic areas just get tested for lyme routinely? And how often would that be? $800 for Igenex for each member of the family is a lot of money, for healthy-seeming people...

Sorry for all the questions, but I can't imagine how we can prevent this disease from being always present in our lives.

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My thought is that most LLMD's are not going to treat if there are no symptoms -- even if there is a positive test, or test that indicates exposure. Yes, many people must be exposed to borrelia pathogen (and other similar), but do not develop symptoms. This is just part of the great complex mix of factors that go into disease expression.


But you are correct in stating that while an immune system may very well handle the presence of borrelia now, a future event could change all of that (major physical or emotional stress event). So I would say that every member of your family, if they ever become ill, the idea that borrelia may be at the root of it should be a consideration.


I myself am not particularly symptomatic. But it seems like I may indeed have passed along borrelia to my 2 girls. They, however, did become sick -- in unique and highly individual ways.


I would ask your llmd these questions. Knowledge is ongoing, and treatment recommendations are therefore always being refined.



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Our LLMD told us exactly the same thing. AND, I did run into a mother at the Dr.'s office who had two boys both with LD, she was positive and had absolutely no symptoms and they were NOT treating her at this time. One problem that does exist, is some don't realize they are symptomatic and don't make the connect back to Lyme. I attributed all my symptoms to getting older. Now that I've been treated I realize I was living in fog and didn't know I could feel as good as do currently (on my good.... some days are still rough).


My recommendation would be to take the money that might have gone toward testing (again this is only if other family members are NOT symptomatic in anyway) and put it towards a good daily probiotic for each family member to improve gut health. As you know, many believe good health stems from the gut and a healthy gut will help them to fight any on slot of illness in the future. Our nutritionist recommends a much higher dose of probiotic than typical plus bentonite pills or bentonite clay daily for a minimum of two years to improve anyone's overall health or maintain good health.


If I had a family member who is slightly symptomatic I would test them with the basic Lyme panel only via Igenex or another speciality lab.





Edited by SF Mom
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Our LLMD told us exactly the same thing. AND, I did run into a mother at the Dr.'s office who had two boys both with LD, she was positive and had absolutely no symptoms and they were NOT treating her at this time. One problem that does exist, is some don't realize they are symptomatic and don't make the connect back to Lyme. I attributed all my symptoms to getting older. Now that I've been treated I realize I was living in fog and didn't know I could feel as good as do currently (on my good.... some days are still rough).


My recommendation would be to take the money that might have gone toward testing (again this is only if other family members are NOT symptomatic in anyway) and put it towards a good daily probiotic for each family member to improve gut health. As you know, many believe good health stems from the gut and a healthy gut will help them to fight any on slot of illness in the future. Our nutritionist recommends a much higher dose of probiotic than typical plus bentonite pills or bentonite clay daily for a minimum of two years to improve anyone's overall health or maintain good health.


If I had a family member who is slightly symptomatic I would test them with the basic Lyme panel only via Igenex or another speciality lab.





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Thanks for the feedback. We are just getting into probiotics for allergies for my healthy son, suggested by his allergist, and I am wondering how much is recommended for healthy adults? Also how much bentonite? Dd9 takes 70 billion and tolerates her abx well with that.

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We are at the extreme.


DH: 1.5 Trillion units per day


Me: 1 Trillion units per day


DS1: 1.5 Trillion units per day (6 years old)


DS2: 850 Billion units per day (3 years old)


DD: 850 Billion units per day (3 years old)


Most that also work with our nutritionist that have PANDAS/Lyme take approximately 500 billion units or more per day. We all take 1/2 cup bentonite clay = 10 bentonite pills per day. Anything within reason that also meets your family needs.



Edited by SF Mom
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On that note...gut...

over the last year i agree and get it more and more....

and it makes me wonder why ds did better on vanco the 2-3 times he was on it but would relapse

and the same with clyndamicyn...

then we did the internal parasite thing(which would be the gut)(besides other things we are doing..ie hd vit c and at about 100bill probis) ds is doing well!!!

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