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yeast prolonging the battle?


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Ok, I want to throw this out there for some thoughts. I am really having trouble w/ the long term abx thing. My dd was already on isoniazide for a year of her life for a + TB test. Now, first started tx w/ omnicef went very well, after trying to wean a few times I thought we built a resistance b/c it seemed to stop working, around this time, my dd developed alot of blotchy uneven pigment on back and shoulders and what looked like ringworm on legs. I knew this corresponded w/ increase in abx so my thought is its fungal (ped said no, its eczema) treated legs w/ lotrimin, went away (he was wrong AGAIN!) stopped abx, blotchiness went away.. Long story short from on and off experience with abx, we know the blotchiness is a fungal/yeast issue. So it seems when she has the blotchiness, abx seem less effective for PANDAS/PITAND behaviours. We are also on nystatin and probiotics with a pretty strict diet. I am certain we are dealing more with PITAND from our history. So I am thinking this abundance of yeast/fungal presents as an infection to her immune system and may be impeding our progress (we are seeing SLOW progress post 2 HD IVIG) Her naturopath said her gut was a mess months ago, we seemed to help that improve w/ supplements and diet but we are now trying to minimize giving her too many pills each day. I am afraid we may start slipping d/t yeast/fungal issues. I strongly believe she has no existing bacterial infection so I am thinking about aborting the abx and giving her GI system time to recover. We still have 2 more IVIG scheduled. Any thougths, experiences

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