I wondered if I could get some input on some odd EBV results we just got back. While the VCA results were normal (IgG and IgM), the EBV nuclear AG (EBNA) was elevated.
I should probably also add that ASO and ADB were also high at 300 and 500 respectively. But I understand these results.
In terms of history, there was an abrupt flare up in October after a likely strep infection (fever and sore throat) 3 weeks earlier. Antibiotic and anti inflammatory treatment commenced immediately and symptoms remitted. Both medications have been continued because high anxiety and fatigue still remain, though high functioning (academic, social and emotional) has been restored.
Another possible piece of the puzzle is a suspected tick bite back in August that was treated with two weeks of doxycycline. No symptoms developed prior to the likely strep infection in late September. Also, a definite case of Lyme and and Bartonella was treated three years ago and all symptoms remitted.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts.