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Posts posted by GatsMom

  1. So my dd's allergies are acting up. Her allergist gave her Rynatan. I gave her 1 dose and 45 minutes later she was in a complete meltdown. Has anyone had that before while using allergy meds? I usually don't give her anything but Benadrly for them.

    Mine does that with benedryl!


    Mine does well on Loratidine 10mg. He also did well a few years ago on Singulair that was given more for immune modulation than actual allergies but certainly helped with his seasonal stuff as well. Over on the MB12/Valtrex yahoo group today a mom (one of the brilliants, too) reported big success with her son's PANDAS symptoms with Ketotifen (an anti-allergy/antihistamine with secondary effects on the adrenergic system. I called our pharmacist whose been watching my son's journey for 5 yrs to ask her about it. She says from what she can see it's not available orally in the U.S. (The mom online is in western Europe). It is sold here in the form of an eye drop marketed as Zyrtec Itchy Eye Drops or Clariten Eye. Possibly available in Canada with an Rx. May be worth further investigation.

  2. My daughter came down with a cold on Thursday. I'm sure it added to the herxing from the IVIG (she always has an increase of behavorial symptoms before the illness presents itself). My dd's colds are always in her sinusus. Can anyone recommend some suggestions to help prevent it from turning into a sinus infection. Or any supplements to take? We use nasal spray with xylitol (she won't use a neti-pot). She takes a multi and I started with extra Vit C. We are awaiting delivery of Sy-Immune, so will begin that shortly.

    Also, has anyone used Amantilla for anxiety? I think it's from Nutramedix.




    You may want to think about adding zinc, too. If you child is a low methylator (and honestly, I'd bet most PANDAS kids are) she will be deficient in zinc on a good day. It will help lessen the severity of cold symptoms. Try to give it away from other supps, particularly calcium. My son is 16, 125lbs and I dose 50mg before bed along with his melatonin and probiotics. Zinc was one of the first things our DAN! put into his lineup years ago and even when times are good, I add it and vit c back through the winter months. HTH

  3. Bleh. Monday & Tuesday were just normal bad. Wednesday I had a photo shoot & the photographer kept telling me to push my hip out farther in certain shots & it kept popping & by the time I got home walking was no longer an option. Fell into a Laz-boy with a bowl of AilidhFriendly chili & slept for ten hours. Barely made it to school. Then Thursday I had my MSLT. Let me just relay the conversation that occurred at the vegan restaurant me, my mom, & my stepdad went to beforehand...


    "Okay, I can't eat gluten. Do you guys have rice pasta?" ~ Me.

    "Yes. Would you like toast with that?" ~ Waitress.

    "Can't do bread." ~ Me.

    "We have spelt bread." ~ Waitress.

    "Is that gluten-free?" ~ Me.

    "No." ~ Waitress.

    "Well... then no." ~ Me.


    I just thought it was funny. :) I never get mad at waitresses. They have hard jobs. But anyway. Got checked into the hospital, took them two hours to get all of the electrodes & other gear on, & then it was time to sleep. But my ear hurt. Now, we P.A.N.D.A.S. & Lyme kids tend to have pretty good pain tolerances. I don't whine everytime I scrape my knee. My. Ear. HURT. They told me it was normal & to try to ignore it. I woke up four times in the night. I haven't woken up more than twice in one night since the Narcoleptic symptoms started almost two years ago. I kept saying that my ear hurt but they just said it was normal. On Friday morning they sent me a bagel for breakfast (which just boosted my mood even more) & I felt bad for being inconvenient & asking for something else. My ear hurt even worse, & the baby in the room next to me screamed & cried through at least two of the five or so little nap periods. By the third one I was so frustrated with my inability to sleep that I just couldn't stop crying & sleep was hardly an option. It was the third day that I haven't napped since August. THIRD. Ugh! When they unwrapped the gauze from my head & took all of the electrodes off when it was time to be discharged I went into the bathroom to get all the gluey stuff off & noticed something weird behind my ear... A chemical burn. Some of the skin had died. Now it's a giant, nasty, gnarly scab. It was open for nineteen hours. I already have second degree burns on my knees, & this one hurts so much worse. How could I have been expected to sleep?! The nurse said that it had something to do with the salt solution in the glue & how they scrub your skin down before they attach it & then put tape over it. Basically he told us that "It happens" & there's nothing they could do. -___-

    I got out of the hospital & went out to dinner with my Dad, stepmom, & three of my sisters. I had a great time. But then I had the worst meltdown I've had in years. For no apparent reason, of course. I love being behind all of my little sisters as far as emotional maturity goes. On the way home I just lost it. As if I wasn't already fretting over the whole Narcolepsy deal, my Dad is Narcoleptic, & he kept nodding off at the wheel. He always does it. I've gotten used to just keeping my hand by his arm to slap him when he starts swerving, but I don't know what happened. I ran into my house sobbing & told my Mom I couldn't stand myself, that I felt guilty for being alive & that no one deserved to put up with me. I'm feeling better today, but the twitches are coming back & I'm just in very low spirits. :/


    I'm sure sorry you're having a rough week but I, like many, think you are one amazing young woman! Oh yeah and p.s. my nearly 17 yr old PANDAS son saw your pic and is suddenly way more interested in latitudes and the copious amounts of reading I do on his behalf than ever before...go figure!

  4. We do a cocktail at bedtime- 1 capsule ZEN by thorne( combo gaba and L theanine), 1 capsule 5 HTP, 2 capsules magnesium, mixed in some liquid zinc.

    The combo is calming for my son.


    Melatonin eventually caused night waking for us too.


    Would you mind sharing the mg strength on all the components of this bedtime cocktail as well as the age of your child? Many thanks.

  5. Thanks GAT, As I sit with Nick doing homework he's had to have 3 mints to keep from gagging. Its the weirdest thing. I just gave him a dose of Motrin as someone said to try that to see if things quiet it. So looking forward to Saturdays nuerolgy appt. for more insight. Love this network because,now that I've found it,I'm on it lots and looking elsewhere over the net for more info, Sincerly, thanks,Barb


    My son is an ibuprofen responder. Hope that took the edge off for your son. I've learned to substitute vit c and/or zinc drops sometimes to at least get a little nutrition into him. At one time I even used gummy multivitamins. He always preferred a mint and I know the peppermint soothed his stomach which was always an issue, too.

  6. Like I'm sure every single one of you have experienced, I have had an assortment of emotions, feelings, thoughts. One of my more recent upwellings has been anger at God for giving me something bigger than I can handle (my child's issues). As a believer, I was continually directed to a scripture which says "God will not give you anything that you cannot handle." I believed this for most of the past several years. However, the past 9 months I have felt different. I have felt that this disorder IS in fact something that I cannot handle.


    That brings me to today. I am still grappling with this on an emotional/spiritual level. HOWEVER, the fact that I have been blessed with the support of members of this forum brought me to a different place today. That is a feeling that God must have given this to those He truly felt COULD handle it, for the purpose of helping children on a larger scale.

    So, however we can, we must stay strong, and continue on until more physicians, more school staff, more psychologists, more friends, neighbors, etc. are informed and actively on board to help all children who suffer this.


    Thanks, always, to all of you who help me get through this. I wish I was more able to help those of you who reach out in desperation on this forum as well. I do when I can.


    Thanks, and hugs to all...


    I sure needed to read this...especially this week. Thanks you great moms!

  7. This month marks one year for this hideous exacerbation. Abx, TCM, homeopathy, DAN!, methylation support, TrueHope...everything short of pex, T&A and ivig. All of them gave some small order improvement but with a quick plateau. His gut is 100 times better but still no school, anxiety and panic attacks ranging from 1 per day to 1 every few days. His quality of life is slowly improving and I can't say honestly that anything but time has really helped.


    In the end, it will be the separation anxiety that kills me. I've looked repeatedly online for resources for sep anx in a teen and how to survive it as the parent they are on top of. I've been parenting for 23 years, so dedicated to these kids so having the feelings I have is foreign and so uncomfortable...and I'm ill-prepared for how to dig myself out of it. Does anyone else have this going on?...a burning desire to just get in the car and drive before there's nothing left of you? ugh. It's such a horrible disease. Any of you parents of the older kids, please feel free to offer some guidance to a mom that's going down fast.


    Thanks a bunch.


    I think we know each other from the other forum...? I don't have older kids but I am always shocked when I read something that is so earily similar to some of the thoughts I have had. I have told my husband several times over the last couple years that sometimes I just want to get in my car and drive away and not come back for a month. And guess what, one day over the summer I did just that (except i just went to my mom's, she and I got in a fight about whether or not my kids had pandas :angry: , and I was back home within 24 hours...sigh!). So unlike me to just up and walk out of the house, leave the kids with DH and just go, but I think a person can only take so much sometimes! I wanted to comment on what the other "mum" said, about getting to a good doc yourself. My levels, too, were way out of whack, vit d, mag, dhea, thyroid, blood sugar. this was after about 5 years of neglecting my self. I am feeling SOO MUCH better physically, in fact I just got off my antidepressant and am maintaining on 5HTP, and we too are still in crisis (gut stuff). I started doing yoga, too. My point to all this is that if you don't do these things you WILL crash. That's what it took for me to start making this a priority.


    I see that you did the DAN protocol, just wondering if you have tried LDN? That is huge for my boys for pandas. Also, when DS6 recently had strep I tried some 5HTP to take off the edge and it did wonders for his moodiness.


    Just some random thoughts...hope it doesnt' go against what you needed at the moment!


    Hi Stephanie, yeah that's me from the other board also. As a matter of fact I started both he and I on 5-htp today 100mg. Neither he nor I are on anything resembling an ssri, SAMe or methionine so there was nothing standing in the way and I keep hearing more and more about it. I'm just praying for no stomach upset which can be a deal breaker in a hurry for him. I've been reading the chatter about LDN too and the only reason I hadn't tried it yet was because of herx potential..the other big deal breaker around here, but I'm ready for a low and slow trial. We've got methylation well supported now. I've got Lyme on the brain right now as we've never had an Igenex test and the kid is no stranger to stomping around out in the woods, camping and 4wheeling with friends when i remission. Any idea how to find an LLMD in this area...tall order, I know. One more thing worth mentioning. We're on day 50 of zeolite drops for metals suspected from a couple really bad vaccs at 15 mos and 11 yrs. Everytime I try to ramp that dose to something close to normal he gets edgy. Currently we're getting 6-8 DROPS per day in. Since he'd been doing so well I took it to 10-12 drops on Saturday and things have been getting edgier by the day. Amazing. Some research has also found this zeolite has an antiviral quality and I'd bet my house that's what's tripping him. He is SO sensitive to antivirals. The OLE we take is as much for its antiviral qualities as abx and he takes less of that than your little guys do and can tolerate no more. I keep it up b/c I KNOW he needs this.


    I don't have a DH...what I have is a PITAXH if that makes sense. He loves Gat but he has huge responsibility issues which gets him off the hook for research/caregiving/tutoring/advocating/etc. My 23 yr old DD is my lifeguard who occasionally pulls me out of the pool I'm drowning in. I'm hoping the 5-htp does it for me, I really don't want to go the ssri route. Regardless of meltdown, I've forced myself to the gym for an hour spin in the evening the past 2 nights. Very stressful but very necessary.


    Stephanie thanks for all you do! Email me privately if you know the dosing schedule for LDN.

  8. This month marks one year for this hideous exacerbation. Abx, TCM, homeopathy, DAN!, methylation support, TrueHope...everything short of pex, T&A and ivig. All of them gave some small order improvement but with a quick plateau. His gut is 100 times better but still no school, anxiety and panic attacks ranging from 1 per day to 1 every few days. His quality of life is slowly improving and I can't say honestly that anything but time has really helped.


    In the end, it will be the separation anxiety that kills me. I've looked repeatedly online for resources for sep anx in a teen and how to survive it as the parent they are on top of. I've been parenting for 23 years, so dedicated to these kids so having the feelings I have is foreign and so uncomfortable...and I'm ill-prepared for how to dig myself out of it. Does anyone else have this going on?...a burning desire to just get in the car and drive before there's nothing left of you? ugh. It's such a horrible disease. Any of you parents of the older kids, please feel free to offer some guidance to a mom that's going down fast.


    Thanks a bunch.

    I know the feeling, like PANDAS is sucking the life out of you...

    It seems you are giving all you've got in terms of treatment.

    It is so draining, the mental stuff... They want you there, they want you to support them, their need is real, but you look at them and you know it doesn't make any sense. They know it doesn't make any sense, but they can't help it, and you can't help them, cause no matter what you say or do, it doesn't help. I HATE THAT. So frustrating...

    My original PANDAS ds, now 13, is doing better now that we started Lyme treatment. My dd10 I'm pretty sure has PANDAS and/or Lyme, and we are seeing an LLMD on Friday. With her, the fears, the doubts, the tears, the depression, the constant need for reasurance is totally freaking me out. I don't want to do it. I keep shutting her off, I change the subject, I send her off to do something. I feel like I'm being a meany, but when I try to help her out, we just go around in circles, and I get very frustrated (maybe I'm a little PANDAS)

    Well, I am not sure if this help you at all, other than misery loving company...

    I see you've tried many things and I am not questioning your decisions, but a T&A might not be such a bad idea if progress is not significant. According to our doc, the tonsils can become an absess and then they just kind of block off the abxs and you don't get anywhere. She said they had patients on antibiotics for months and months without progress and once the tonsils were out, then the antibiotics started working.


    Hope you feel better. You know you are not going anywhere. I do sometimes fantasize about a different life, but it's a waste of mental energy. It is what it is, and we have to make the best of it.


    God bless,




    Isabel, you really nailed it. Exactly it. It was going to take me 25 years to get my 2 kids to age 18. I couldn't wait to be a parent, totally committed to it. Now 23 years into a 25 year job, I've hit the wall. I have so little patience for the insanity and it is the most thankless job on the planet. Thanks so much for taking a minute to remind me these may be horrible feelings but there is also a degree of normalcy in them...especially when you've been going at this as long as we have. I had to laugh at the "you know you're not going anywhere" part, probably right but honestly something has to improve soon. Thanks again!

  9. Hello Everyone of you who have kindly sent your support! Good news, we went back to the Ped today and she strongly suspects a PANDAS or PITANDS- she even got the PANDA-friendly Neurologist appt moved up to Sat.! I have not felt this relieved in 12 days! Emalily, I was SOOOO glad to hear your concurrence of symptoms-cuz they are weird- but the Ped. says its a nueromuscular reaction- no nausea, just spasming-GROSS feeling for sure- and Nick can't wait to kiss them goodbye as they're what's keeping him from school for the most part. We did the 2 blood tests that are recommended as well. She mentioned treatment with SSRI's might be a possibility. From my limited look-see, that doesn't look common, any suggestions? Of course we'll see what the neurologist says Sat. Maybe I can sleep tonight, even if Nick is bed hopping, we found him behind the couch this morning- sad and funny at the same time, much love, Barb Sackles


    Like everyone, I'm so sorry you, your child and your family are going through this. Like Emmalily, my son whose 16 is tripped up often with a gag reaction. Also like your son, he spits when the gag reaction is at its worst and it will often be the catalyst to a full blown panic attack. While he's better now, there was a day when he was highly sensitive to tags/seams/rough clothes/heavy blankets or coats. Just writing to tell you that bad as it is, you aren't alone and there are people here who will understand to the point of giving you understanding of his condition.

  10. I have tried it for myself to relieve the anxiety of dealing w/ our son. I didn't like the way it made me feel. Made me VERY sleepy and felt kind of jittery in a weird way. What I have found for myself in 5 HTP. It makes me feel relaxed and calm. Never have given either to our DS.


    Whats the dosage you use your yourself? I actually happen to have this product in our arsenal, bought originally for me more than a year ago. It's still in date so I can start it today as I take nothing else but a multi and omegas.

  11. Gat's Mom-

    My daughter has been dealing with GI issues for a long time. She's had c-diff three times and Giardia. She has had off/on cramping & green stools for a very long time. I was terrified (still am) of the multi abx because of her history of c-diff. Since starting the combo abx for the lyme, she hardly has any stomach complaints. She no longer has green stools either. I'm assuming her GI tract was being compromised from the lyme. She is on a high amount of probiotics, but I was giving them before the lyme diagnosis. So I must contribute the relief of GI symptoms to the right treatment of abx. Of course, I'm always in constant worry of the c-difficile returning!

    I'm not trying to push the lyme--just wanted to share my experience.


    Appreciate you input! What abx are used for lyme? Do you work with a LLMD? Thanks very much!

  12. I know that feeling, and the guilt feelings that go with it. I was under care of psychiatrist for all that was going on and I will say that medication helped immensely. I was on an ssri, couple different trials, and anti anxiety meds at night so I could sleep. Some may not like the use of meds but when you are truly READY to get in the car and drive off, this is an acceptable option. My psych also did therapy, so I had somewhere to go and cry, and someone who thought that crying over it was okay (unlike husband).


    I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY. You can only deal with this for so long before cracking.


    Did you already look into Lyme testing?


    I keep coming back around to Lyme. We have not tested thru Igenex, only labcorp. My ds16 is positive for strep titers and mycoplasma p. (or at least he was in april). Thru winter and spring we did 7 weeks of Azith 500 right into 6 wks of the Sammy dose of Augmentin XR right into 10 days of Biaxin CR once the myco was discovered. His gut was a train wreck. he was so, so sick. Homeopathy and TCM helped stabilize him after the abx nightmare. For homeopathy we saw the great and powerful Michael Payne. He was difficult to talk to, relied too heavily on zyto BUT he did put Gat on a remedy called Psy Stabil that was quite effective. See the ingredient/condition list below. Just found out there's a homeopath in our town, a female who specializes in vaccinosis (and we can trace back to 2 major vacc injuries that were certainly fundamental straws on the camels back). http://ronniesremedies.com/psy-stabil.aspx


    Regarding crying. I'm an expert. It is the one single act that has kept me standing. Things are just now improved enough that I can get back to the gym for short periods of time and it helps to close my eyes and spin. Thankfully I have a cousin with a PhD in psychology whose very helpful as there is zero money for me to obtain counseling.


    Lyme wouldn't surprise me. When he's in remission he's a total outdoor kid and we live right outside the Great Smoky Mtn Nat'l Park. A time or two in his life I remember pulling a tick off him.


    Thanks for the word on meds for me. I guess anything's better than me getting in the car and driving off. Just knowing someone else understands is so helpful and I'm very thankful for this board.

  13. I am right here with you feeling your pain. Do a search about an e-mail " Life on a Train". It is one of the most beautiful e-mails I have ever received. Anyway, last year during my then 17 year old daughters exacerbation I told my sister I feel like it is time for me to get off the train. Somehow we get the strength to keep going and searching and someday we will look back and realize how strong we were..not weak..


    I'm searching for that email now but you really hit the nail on the head. For a few weeks I have an overwhelming feeling that it might be my time to get off the train. For the last five years and intensely during this last until very recently I somehow find the strength to go another day. I've always been so thankful for that tenacity but now it's nearly gone. Career and financial ruin, all nurture going out, nearly none coming back in, and a kid who's recovered enough to break away when he's motivated for short periods of time but not recovered enough to grant me my life. I work in the fringe of healthcare and I know all too well what this can add up to within any organism.


    Thank you all so very much. All day everyday I watch people go on with lives, whining about day to day things and all I can think is that I'd give anything to have a life where a low checkbook balance was my biggest concern. Your responses help me to recognize that I'm not alone and I'm so grateful that you've all chimed in.

  14. This month marks one year for this hideous exacerbation. Abx, TCM, homeopathy, DAN!, methylation support, TrueHope...everything short of pex, T&A and ivig. All of them gave some small order improvement but with a quick plateau. His gut is 100 times better but still no school, anxiety and panic attacks ranging from 1 per day to 1 every few days. His quality of life is slowly improving and I can't say honestly that anything but time has really helped.


    In the end, it will be the separation anxiety that kills me. I've looked repeatedly online for resources for sep anx in a teen and how to survive it as the parent they are on top of. I've been parenting for 23 years, so dedicated to these kids so having the feelings I have is foreign and so uncomfortable...and I'm ill-prepared for how to dig myself out of it. Does anyone else have this going on?...a burning desire to just get in the car and drive before there's nothing left of you? ugh. It's such a horrible disease. Any of you parents of the older kids, please feel free to offer some guidance to a mom that's going down fast.


    Thanks a bunch.

  15. We've had a very similar recent course except we've not done ivig. Healing summer after a horrific winter. 3 weeks back to school after seeing pretty impressive results with Truehope protocol (which I still believe has significant merit) then a huge crash out of nowhere 4 wks ago. Hasn't been back to school since. In the last 10 months we've tried everything but ivig (homeopathy, TCM, diets...everything). I started reexamining the pieces of the DAN! protocol he was on in middle school (that turned things around steadily) and found all elements we used supported methylation. Have you considered that this kid may be a low methylator with some heavy metal issues complicating things further. My ds16 isn't autistic but boy does he respond quickly to supps to support methylation which, coincidentally, are supps also used to chelate heavy metals. Not that you don't have enough to think about, but I'll just throw it out there to consider. Mine's not back in school yet but much better than 4 wks ago and I saw the change, literally, 3 days after starting him on the supps. Otherwise, my prayers are with you, I know exactly how it feels to see hard won gains gone in a day and a high school age kid lose hope in his life.


    Gat's mom

  16. truehope.com Pretty amazing story of how the product came into being. I've known about it for 5 years, since my son's last exacerbation. Paula swore by it for her son. Back in the day I didn't try it because we were just starting on the DAN! protocol and truehope seemed to simply duplicate much of the DAN! and I didn't have the money for both. It's never left my heart, though. Our current exacerbation is in its 8th month. He responds clinically to abx but has huge gut problems from them. We've had some success with TCM and homeopathy and dietary changes (a combination of all 3) but we had still hit a plateau. My thoughts kept going back to truehope. Did a lot of research, prayed long and hard on the decision and pushed forward.


    The product is originally designed for bipolar disorder which Gat doesn't have...but then again, Gat's not autistic and did very well for several years on the DAN! protocol. Truehope's been around for 10 yrs and they've now had much success in all central nervous system disorders. Strep, Myco, Lyme...whatever...there's got to be some sort of CNS hitch in these kids. We're on day 37 and only day 18 on what would be considered a therapeutic dose. It's all vits and minerals and if the child is psych medication naive then its a walk on. Mine's had a history of ssri's and anti-anxiety meds so we had to work up slowly. If nothing else, I think Gat will be a better candidate for a possible repeat try at abx somewhere down the road because he's in a more homeostatic state from a CNS standpoint.


    My words, not truehopes...but the concepts of Jacqueline McCandless's "Children with Starving Brains" are similar to the base concepts of truehope. When proper nutrition is made available, the body, as well as the brain, will return itself to a homeostatic state. It touches on my beliefs about the body and what I've seen in my own work as well as the work of recovering my son. I'm always so happy when I hear about the kids that really do great on abx, ivig, etc. I think this is just another avenue to explore and right now we're seeing good things but I'd sure like to see how Paula's son is doing these days. It's been several years since we last spoke. She was a seasoned PANDAS mom at the time we were just getting a diagnosis. Truehope has AMAZING support but they cannot put their finger directly on other PANDAS patients to compare notes.


    Hope that helps.

  17. We're in the middle of week four for my son whose 16 and a junior. He missed second semester of sophomore year. He's pushing hard to get in the school everyday but more often than not he gets it done. Everyday that he does is another victory under his belt and he thrives on those. All the while, most of his friends still don't know and we only let a teacher in the loop when we absolutely have to. School admin knows but they keep quiet. He either blends in really well or not at all...very little middle ground. We just do our best to breathe through the days when he can't get in the door. I know you hear it often from the group...but I'll add mine..you're an impressive kid for taking the bull by the horns on your own!


    Gat's mom

  18. Anyone in this group who was once part of that group remember Paula or know a way to contact her? Her son would be about 18 now. She was a big fan of Truehope in her son's recovery and we're having significant success with it now for the past 40 days or so. I'd love to reconnect with her if anyone has contact info they could share.


    Many thanks,

    Gat's mom

  19. I have nothing to base this on except my gut and my observations. My ds16 is a PANDAS kid. We are 8 months into a horrific episode. He never "comes down with" strep and never displays outward symptoms of strep so it's always an unhappy surprise when he backslides. Even though his titers support PANDAS, each of his 3 exacerbations have coincided with some other event (or stress) in his life. Age 8 and age 11 they were emotional stressors and life changes. This time, however, all was really good. The only thing going on was that I had 10 yr old carpet pulled out of my house and laminate flooring put down. The job was done on four consecutive Saturday and the house was filled with dust and fibers every Saturday night (that I would clean up completely the next day) but the next assault would come the next Saturday. If this home project didn't push this exacerbation along, it's an awfully big coincidence. One of those things I can't prove but strongly suspect in my heart was a contributing factor. Best wishes to you. ~Gayle

  20. Hey Karen (and Misty),


    Do you think it would help if you were doing something prophylactic in nature? Would that help ease your mind that you are giving him an edge and not just sending him back as just another kid who may or may not contract a strep when it passes through? I'm not necessarily suggesting an Rx antibiotic but how about olive leaf extract (a natural antibiotic/antifungal/antiviral)? Also keep in mind that you probably have other protocols in place that will give him an advantage over his peers when it comes to contracting anything opportunistic...like exceptional probiotics and a good multivitamin not to mention other pieces of your protocol designed to address immune function. Try listing (in writing) the things you do to assure his safe passage through strep season that you never knew to do in your pre-PANDAS life.



  21. We're just one case and others may disagree but in our house when he drops a behavior and picks up another, the new behavior is usually slightly less restrictive. Historically, that trend continues and eventually all behaviors dealing with the fear are dropped. Mine has the food contamination fear, too.

  22. Emmalilly,


    We need to talk. We're staring down the barrel at at least another semester at home. This should be his junior year. Sweetie, I'm so sorry you're sitting this semester out but you've got such an exceptional head on your shoulders that I know you will find things to do with your time that are way more than time fillers. A blog from the PANDAS patient perspective in your age group would make an outstanding read and you have the writing abilities to do it. I can assure you, I'd make sure Gat read it.


    I have clients in my practice that struggle with going on disability for their conditions. I have explained it to several as looking at their recovery as their job...and all of the things the incorporate into their lives like my services, medicine, rest, yoga, journaling, spiritual growth pursuits, etc are all considered "therapies". The job becomes incorporating "therapies". I have 2 clients who've adopted this approach in the last four months (one male, one female) and both report great success with reframing how they view this "time on the bench". Just thought I'd pass it along.


    Hang in there,


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