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Everything posted by Chemar

  1. Hi Inositol has been a real help to my son with his OCD. He uses the Jarrow Inositol powder and takes a high dose (12-14 gm daily) but he is an adult (19yo) He also takes Omega 3 in the form of flaxseed oil vitB6 in the P-5-P form helps the inositol work. methylcobalamin form of vitB12 along with these is a good idea, and so is methionine (some use samE but it is expensive) my son's OCD used to be really severe. he used 5HTP when younger with success but it now makes him feel edgy so that is why he switched to the Inositol
  2. some people with TS do not seem to tolerate fishoil supplements...they tic more on them. My son is one of those and so gets his Omega 3 from flaxseed oil and eating wild alaskan salmon. if your child tolerates the fishoil that is great, but be on the watch just in case he is one of those who tic more on it. others will be able to offer suggestions on the type of fishoil they find best I use flaxseeds as well for myself and my husband. we take the supps and I also use the oil in making salad dressing and we add freshly ground flaxseeds to cereal, salads etc
  3. Hi my son does either the tub or a footbath almost every night. It really seems to help him relax, tic less and sleep well. We also have the cream we make ourselves for those times when he doesnt have time for the soaks, or as in betweener relief we have always used 2 cups in a half filled bathtub my son showers first to get clean, then soaks, but he does not rinse off after as he personally finds it more beneficial to leave it on his skin overnight
  4. myrose, the usual rule is under 12yo=half the adult dose and under 6yo= a quarter the adult dose. It does depend on weight as well
  5. Hi NJDaddy and welcome in classic homeopathy the principle is that miniscule amounts of substances that would normally cause the symptoms in larger doses, are given to cure the symptoms (very abbreviated explanation of a complex principle ) Native remedies, as far as I can tell, uses both homeopathy as well as herbology in their remedies
  6. myrose if your daughter is ok on honey then she is ok on bee products so could take the Royal Jelly we use the pantothenic acid from NOW (half price at iherb.com) but have also used the Vitamin Shoppe brand
  7. hi Dedee I dont know of 5HTP being used for tics per se. Perhaps the relaxant effect of the serotonin that it elevates could have a secondary effect by reducing tics tho.
  8. hi myrose whether the grinding is TS related or not, all people with bruxism seem to benefit from vitB5/pantothenic acid which the royal jelly is rich in. just remember only people who tolerate bee products can use royal jelly you can also get pantothenic acid/vit B5 as a separate supp
  9. Hi are you giving any magnesium at night. a magnesium supp or Natural calm or kids calm can really help soothe for sleep if your child doesnt tolerate the epsom salts bath (probably a reaction to the sulfate in the salts) have you tried putting honey in the chamomille? also take a look at www.nativeremedies.com as they have some gentle sleep aids
  10. I hope and pray that 2009 will hold many good things for all of you
  11. It may well help with that CP we stayed away from braces for my son because of metal being a major tic trigger for him
  12. Hi the Natural Calm and Kids Calm magnesium mix are best priced at vitaminshoppe.com and iherb.com magnesium is the #1 tic reducing supplement for people with TS the epsom salts baths are very helpful!! My son does footbath when he doesnt have time for a full soak We also make our own cream and it works wonders when rubbed into skin of region where tic is most prominant sensory issues are usually related to sensory integration dysfunction which can be much helped with occupational therapy great book and website on this is The Out Of Sync Child http://www.out-of-sync-child.com/ hope that helps and Happy New Year!
  13. It depends on the individual my son takes higher amounts of some of the Bs (B1, B2, B5, B6 and B12 as wellas Inositol) than would be found in a balanced B complex because he needs those more. He gets the rest of his Bs from a daily multi shake and takes Royal (Bee) Jelly if feeling run down as it contains high amounts of all the Bs
  14. interesting study: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/200...u-rtd122208.php
  15. Faith, are you referring to the article Guy posted or are you referring to the study quoted by myrose in the link you gave above?? if the article by Jones that Guy posted, that was a synopsis done some years ago on known information re the Chemistry of TS so not a research study http://au.geocities.com/jones_kacm/chem.htm ---------------------------------------------- welcome aeonn and thanks for posting that very interesting info!!
  16. I dont think the grinding was allergy induced CP tho who knows?? it could have been. My son's only known allergies are to dustmite, penicillin and chemicals (MCS) at the time it appeared to be a tic....he found it got worse with metal utensils so started using plastic ones and it would stop completely when he was asleep. I read about B5 helping "classic" bruxism symptoms and decided to try it and voila! immediate stop. It also stopped other jaw tics he was having. He was already getting some B5 in his multi but I gave extra separately. as an aside, once we realized he was not reacting well to B complex I switched him to Royal Jelly(not the gelatin brand of dessert but the substance made by queen bees) and he did wonderfully. Royal Jelly is a great source of nutrients for anyone not allergic to bee products
  17. Guy, I have had that article by Jones in the useful sticky at the top of the forum for some time now becasue it gives a simple and understandable explanation of the chemistry of TS. I think the reason you cant contact him is that it is a very old article and he may have different email contact info now stress has always been a major tic trigger for my son and so adrenal healthy function is paramount! The B5 aka pantothenic acid was near miraculous when we first used it as my son had a very severe tooth grinding tic that was damaging his teeth Once we started VitB5 it stopped completely and has never returned. Royal Jelly (from bees) is very high in B5 (an all the Bs)
  18. Hi Carolyn I have no personal experience with neurofeedback (we did biofeedback which is *very* different) however based on Claire's report and that of others I have heard from, I personally would not go that route ever with my son for tics it seems to help some with ADHD, but honestly, as you have said, this is not his problem, and as long as you are doing the right stuff with his diet and supps and things are going relatively well....why risk a possible negative reaction? IMHO
  19. Hi MaryAnn MSG causes a horrible reaction for my son and he also does not tolerate fried foods well (most likely related to his Crohn's Disease) I hope all goes well at your doc appt. DOs tend to be a lot more open minded than MDs
  20. Hi I have a husband and son who suffer with OCD so I can sympathize we have found that most meds only make things worse and so instead use supplements and diet modification along with acupuncture and this really helps them! may I also suggest a very active OCD forum at PsychCentral where you may find support for you and for your wife too. The other forums there may also prove helpful to you http://forums.psychcentral.com/forumdisplay.php?f=72 all the best and I hope you are able to work though this together. I know it isnt easy, but after 25 years of marriage I can tell you with certainty that it is possible to get through this together!
  21. Wishing all our members a blessed and joyous Holiday Season in whatever way you celebrate. Enjoy your family and friends!
  22. Hi Char depending what they made the cherry "flavor" from, that might be the culprit I hope you got METHYLcobalamin b12 not cyanocobalamin as the latter is a real waste becasue it is very poorly absorbed my son takes methylB12 under tongue twice daily If your child has TS I would stay away from tyrosine as it stimulates dopamine which in turn stimulates tics oregano is very potent antimicrobial and so your son could be hyper with die off reaction or just reacting to it....it is a good idea to drink a lot of water if taking those capsules. I have great respect for the anti-microbial effect of MonoLaurin (lauric acid from coconuts) Studies have shown it has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effect as well as against protozoan infections another powerful antimicrobial is olive leaf extract and also garlic I too am surprised he showed especially the B deficiencies if taking Bontech's TS Plus as that is high in Bs. You might want to write to Bonnie via email and see what she feels re those results. be careful of lipoic acid (I assume they want alpha? ALA)) if yoususpect your child has mercury in system as ALA is a potent mercury chelator but it can also carry it into the brain...........it is usually used as the final stage in mercury detox when that in the body has already been mopped up) Milk Thistle (silymarin) is superb for liver detox and stimulating liver function. Even conventional docs give it for liver patients as a possible gentle help forthe hyper reaction, do try some camomille tea just as a tip ....when adding new supps....it is always a good idea to add them one at a time and wait at least 3 days before adding another....that way there is less confusion as to what may cause reactivity and what may help etc hope things settle quickly for your lil guy
  23. thanks Kim I found that article fascinating when I first read it. http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3254 and yup re the corn Caryn
  24. Hi Faith I sure sympathize as my son's OCD etc has always bothered him (and me) more than the tics he got an alphasmart assigned to him by the school as part of his 504 because of the writing OCD and tic effect. (his tics would cause writing to be messed up as well as the OCD writing over letters and erasing them till "just right") the alphasmart was a real blessing as not only could he take notes in class, it also stores stuff and then hook into printer to print out homework instead of having to write it out. I know it is mega hard, but I learned that my son truly could not help the OCD/tic effects on his writing re the focus/ attention....we found upping his omega 3 and adding Ginko biloba really helped. Also, if your child tolerates Borage oil trying adding those supps too (excellent studies done in England showed remarkable results on borage helping ADD) Soy lecithin is another good supp for focus as is Royal Bee Jelly
  25. Hi erica the danger I spoke of is only related to when people take other supplements or medications that raise serotonin levels, especially SSRI (antidepressant) meds. combining 5htp with those can cause serotonin syndrome
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