Behavior Charts to the Rescue!
A Must-Read eBook for Parents & Teachers

This easy-to-read eBook will teach you:

  • How to select the best behavior charts to use
  • How to decide on the most appropriate low-cost rewards
  • What steps ensure your child or student's participation
  • How to troubleshoot different scenarios as you help your child or student.

Preview a sample of the eBook

Elementary Exceptional Student Education teacher

“I can’t tell you how helpful this book has been. My K – 3 classroom has a wide range of behaviors and academic skills. While the concept of star charts or reward charts is nothing new, this book has fresh insights and tricks to make them really work. I learned how to find the right charts and found lots of ideas on sensible rewards. I recommend the book to parents of students, and have also applied the ideas to my own little ones. As a school employee I’m not allowed to endorse a product online with my name. But if I could, I would give it an A!”

In the eBook, You'll Discover:


Learn how to pick the best chart based on your child’s interests and whether you are targeting single or multiple behaviors.


We’ll show you what works and what doesn’t work when explaining behavior goals to your child.


You’ll get 50+ ideas for inexpensive rewards that your child may find motivating. Plus, learn how to know which rewards will be the most meaningful and effective.


You'll learn the most common problems that teachers and parents experience with using behavior charts and suggestions on what you can do to avoid them.

About the Authors:

The Behavior Chart Team for ACN Latitudes is led by Sheila Rogers DeMare, MS. A school psychologist for 15 years, Sheila is founder and director of ACN Latitudes.

Mona Wimmer, with a background in teaching and curriculum development, provided valuable input for the book based on teaching experience and feedback from co-workers. Additional team members ranged from involved parents to a university level advisor.

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Chapters Included in the eBook:

  • Ch 1: The Basics of Behavior Charts
  • Ch 2: First Steps with Behavior Charts
  • Ch 3: Focusing on Success
  • Ch 4: Selecting Appropriate Behaviors
  • Ch 5: Choosing the Right Behavior Chart
  • Ch 6: Finding Your Child’s Love Language
  • Ch 7: Selecting the Reward
  • Ch 8: Completing the Behavior Chart
  • Ch 9: Understanding the Role of Consequences and Motivation
  • Ch 10: Help—My Charts Aren’t Working!
  • Ch 11: Top Ten Mistakes to Avoid

What People Are Saying

V.TRockport, TN

“We have two children whose behaviors were wearing us down. All it took was following some of the suggestions in this book to turn things around."

S.BFresno, CA

“I’ve used behavior charts with my students at school but needed a fresh approach for my 6-year-old son at home. Finding his “love language” as explained in the book has made a huge difference in our relationship and his behavior. Thank you!”

Order Now and You'll Get Special Bonus Items!

When you invest in this eBook right now, you'll receive a helpful poster that I've created to make getting good behavior from your kids even easier.  You'll also receive 10 easy-to-use behavior charts.

Bonus #1

104 Ways to Praise Your Kid

In this PDF poster “104 Ways to Praise Your Kid,” I give you 104 specific things you can say to your child to inspire him or her to make better choices with their behavior. It’s all about positive reinforcement!

Bonus #2

10 Unique Behavior Charts

You’ll get a set of 10 unique behavior charts to use with your kids right away. You’ll be able to download and print them off immediately to start using with your kids to get better behavior at home or at school.

Both of these bonuses were created exclusively for owners of the Behavior Charts to the Rescue manual and can not be found anywhere else online.

Don't miss out on your bonuses!  Order now!

Order Behavior Charts to the Rescue!

Your eBook purchase comes with the following benefits:

  • Bonus Item #1: 104 Ways to Praise Your Kids
  • Bonus Item #2: 10 easy-to-use behavior charts
  • Safe and secure online ordering, encrypted for your protection
  • Instant access to download your digital book and bonuses
  • No risk - Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Available in our online store and on Amazon Kindle

Why Wait? Get your copy for just $9.95!


If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a full refund within 30 days of your order.  Your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Note: Stock images were used to accompany the testimonials.
