ACN Latitudes Membership Levels
Help for Tourette syndrome, tics, PANDAS / PANS, anxiety, autism, ADHD, OCD, depression, learning disabilities, and other neurological conditions

Get the most from ACN Latitudes
Our membership program is one-of-a-kind. Nowhere else will you find our unique blend of leading-edge research on integrative and natural alternative therapy treatments of neurological conditions, partnered with a lively community of like-minded people who are eager to help and support you.

"Hi, my name is Carolyn. I’ll be grateful to the ACN Latitudes website for the rest of my life. I have Tourette syndrome and tried over 26 drugs for my severe tics. I couldn’t tolerate the side-effects, and they didn’t work for me. As a result, my childhood was miserable and I was teased mercilessly. I was 16 when I started looking for new answers.
Fortunately I came across Wow! The articles gave me hope for the first time. And the forums were amazing! I felt like I'd been adopted by forum mothers around the world. Long story short, I followed the suggestions and for the first time in my life, I was able to get my tics under control. I’m signing up for the Premium subscription today. I want to stay on top of things and I really like the new Forum features, plus it will support ACN's work. I’m now a happy mother of two and an elementary school teacher. I know this would not have been possible without this site."

How will an ACN Latitudes Membership benefit you?
You can feel confident that you’re getting the latest on integrative therapies and alternative treatments for the health conditions that concern you most. You will learn about real-world experience and support from families who are going through the same things you are.
- The more you read, the more overwhelmed you get.
- A lot of the health sites are not objective and only recommend taking medications to mask the symptoms.
- You are tired of trying to research your own information and just need some helpful answers.
- You need to interact with others who have faced similar health challenges as you or your loved ones.
- You wish you had support from others to keep you focused and encouraged as you find follow your path to healing.
- What you really want is an integrated approach for a unique combination of treatments and therapies.
Join thousands of others who are already benefiting from an ACN Latitudes membership!
Here's what you get with a free basic membership

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Find the answers that you need for treating neurological conditions naturally and without drugs
“I’ve relied on your website for 16 years”
I first turned to your site for my teenage daughter. Your information pulled us through the difficult times and we will always be grateful. Now here I am, back again to help my grandson! Thank you for being there, and for still being the best resource I’ve found. BW, Miami, FL
“Love your behavior charts!"
I’m a third grade teacher and share your behavior charts with lots of parents. Sometimes it just takes that extra attention to a problem to make a difference. I’ve also tried some of your charts that can be personalized (offered with Premium Membership). It’s great to be able to just fill them in online and print. Done!” JM, London, UK
“Your forums helped us get ‘unstuck’ and move forward”
Our family tries to be ahead of the curve when it comes to treating our son. We eat right, keep a natural home, and get more health newsletters than you would believe. But after tweaking all our efforts with only modest improvement, we turned your forums. Your members helped us see what we were missing. We located the right kind of doctor, and what a difference. Thank you all! VT, Lansing, MI